Anonymous ID: 890edf May 22, 2019, 7:09 a.m. No.6557666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7800 >>8047

Canada Court: Doctors Must Euthanize, Abort, Refer (or quit)


The culture of death brooks no dissent. In Canada, doctors have been ordered to bend the knee.


Here’s the story: The Canadian Charter (Constitution) guarantees “freedom of conscience and religion” — a stronger and more explicit protection of religious liberty than our First Amendment. After the Supreme Court created a right to euthanasia, Ontario passed a law requiring doctors to kill legally eligible patients who want to die or provide an “effective referral” if they have moral objections — i.e., procure a doctor known by the dissenter to be willing to euthanize patients.


Referring Equals Complicity

Catholic and other religious doctors sued to enforce their Charter liberties. Referring equals complicity, the doctors argued, and thus the law forces them to violate their religious beliefs and consciences.


Times Change, So Must Doctors

Not only that, when most doctors got into medicine, euthanasia was a felony! But who cares? Times change and doctors must change with them because patients are “vulnerable”:

"The vulnerable patients I have described above, seeking MAiD, abortion, contraception and other aspects of sexual health care, turn to their family physicians for advice, care and, if necessary, medical treatment or intervention. Given the importance of family physicians as “gatekeepers” and “patient navigators” in the health care system, there is compelling evidence that patients will suffer harm in the absence of an effective referral."


Get Out of Medicine

The point of opposing medical conscience is to drive pro-life and Hippocratic Oath-believing doctors out of medicine. The Court goes there, telling doctors who don’t want to euthanize, abort, facilitate sex change, etc., that they can always go into hair restoration.

Forcing doctors to be complicit in the taking of human life or face potential civil/professional consequences is despotism.


The Moral Cost of Socialized Medicine

It is also worth noting that this case illustrates the high moral cost associated with socialized medicine. The good news is that the newly elected provincial administration ran on a plank of protecting medical conscience. One hopes that the Ontario Parliament will soon right this injustice. In fact, it is my understanding that a bill is already in the hopper to do just that.


Otherwise, the U.S. has a doctor shortage and we should welcome these dissenters of conscience to move here where they can practice their profession in peace without being forced to act contrary to their religious beliefs — at least for now.

Anonymous ID: 890edf May 22, 2019, 7:19 a.m. No.6557711   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nevada passes National Popular Vote bill in bid to upend Electoral College


Assembly Bill 186 headed to Democratic Gov. Steve Sisolak

Anonymous ID: 890edf May 22, 2019, 7:27 a.m. No.6557757   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Deep State Exposed: Investigation Finds Thousands of Regulations Issued By Career Bureaucrats In Violation of the Constitution


Who Is Really In Charge?

Over the past year, a team of lawyers and researchers investigated the inner workings of one federal department to find out who is really in charge. Our final report does not read like a spy novel. In fact, it’s about as exciting as a law journal. However, it proves what many Americans have long intuitively known: unaccountable bureaucrats make the rules in this country.

Here’s the background: During litigation over a controversial Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) regulation in 2018, attorneys at Pacific Legal Foundation found that a career bureaucrat had signed off on the rule.

That’s a problem because that bureaucrat did not have the Constitutional authority to issue regulations. The Constitution’s Appointments Clause requires that rules binding Americans must be issued by “officers of the United States” — i.e., government officials appointed by the president and confirmed by the U.S. Senate, or hired by cabinet secretaries under congressional authorization. Such officials are subject to political accountability, which allows them to wield political power such as issuing binding rules.

That description does not apply to career bureaucrats, who are government employees hired through the merit system, which is intended to be free from political influence in hiring and firing practices.


71% of Rules Unconstitutional

Recognizing that career bureaucrats signing off on rules is Constitutionally problematic, PLF investigated the rule-making process at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Looking at all rules issued by HHS from 2001 to 2017, we found that 71 percent of the 2,952 rules we reviewed were unconstitutional. The worst offender within HHS is FDA, where 98 percent of rules are unconstitutional.

Many of these are highly technical rules that govern scientific drug and food development; others are significant regulations that carry huge costs and have a substantive impact felt by businesses and consumers. But in virtually all cases, these rules were enacted by government employees who lacked the proper Constitutional authority to do so.


Real Collusion

Meanwhile, political appointees collude with career bureaucrats to avoid accountability. If the president or Congress dislikes a rule, the agency head or cabinet secretary can point to the career bureaucrat when called in for questioning. In turn, the career bureaucrat can rightly claim they’re not in charge. They’re playing hot potato with the rules that govern your medicine, your food and countless other aspects of your life.

Keep in mind that this year-long study examined only a single department. We don’t know how widespread this practice is in other government agencies (after all, no one really even knows how many government agencies exist, and many are not even authorized). Congress should investigate whether career bureaucrats or politically accountable presidential appointees are writing the rules in each agency.

Anonymous ID: 890edf May 22, 2019, 7:41 a.m. No.6557839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7864

Brexit Party set to make European elections HISTORY - largest share of UK vote in 25 YEARS


The grassroots eurosceptic party, led by Nigel Farage, is polling at a huge 37 percent in the latest YouGov poll for The Times of 3,864 British adults from May 19-21 - likely to be one of the last key indicators before the British public cast their vote. If this is reflected at the ballot box, the figure would be the largest ever achieved by a non-mainstream political party in the European elections. It would also be the highest since the Labour Party romped to victory with 42.6 percent of the overall vote at the European elections in 1994.


But the wave of support for Mr Farage is set to come a long way short of the record, where the Tories under Margret Thatcher received a mammoth 48.4 percent share of the vote in the first ever European elections in 1979.

The latest YouGov poll put the Liberal Democrats are a distant second on 19 percent, with Labour falling to 13 percent and the Greens increasing to 12 percent.

The Prime Minister is facing yet further humiliation, with just seven percent of those polled saying they would vote for the Conservative Party.

Anonymous ID: 890edf May 22, 2019, 7:46 a.m. No.6557864   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Brexit Party warning: France fears Nigel Farage win will cause ‘big headache’ in Brussels


The newly created Brexit Party is well ahead of its rivals in the opinion polls and is tipped for sweeping success at the ballot box. Mr Le Maire said: “When you have Nigel Farage at more than 35 percent of the vote that won’t be easy for the European Union to manage. “How long do we continue like that?” France has previously warned that it would not tolerate repeated extensions of the Brexit deadline and has said it hopes the European elections in Britain will jolt its political parties into reaching a deal on leaving the EU.


Mr Le Maire said: “I consider that the British people decided to leave the European Union and the faster Britain leaves the better.

“The longer this process lasts is neither good for Britain nor the European Union.

“When you push back endlessly it’s toxic and that’s what’s going to happen.

“When a separation lasts too long it stops each member of the couple from calmly rebuilding their life. “It’s exactly the same for nations.”

Anonymous ID: 890edf May 22, 2019, 7:57 a.m. No.6557932   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6557905 Donald Trump Jr. is reportedly weighing a run against Bill de Blasio to become New York City’s next mayor.



Do it!

Even if not true, should strike fear into the cabal, imagine the NYC fuckery which would be exposed. Ports, Wall Street, etc.

Make NYC Great Again!

Anonymous ID: 890edf May 22, 2019, 8:18 a.m. No.6558080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8147

>>6558047 Medicare-for-All scheme would mandate taxpayer-funded abortions on demand and force doctors and nurses to terminate a baby’s life (see Canada)



Socialized Medicine = Culture of Death

Anonymous ID: 890edf May 22, 2019, 8:28 a.m. No.6558141   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Walmart CFO and Steven Mnuchin discussed tariffs amid concerns over higher prices for customers


Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Opens a New Window. said he has spoken with Walmart CFO Brett Biggs regarding the next round of tariffs on Chinese goods.

Mnuchin told the House Financial Services Committee Wednesday that he has been “monitoring the situation [tariffs] very carefully” and spoke with Biggs on what items they can and cannot source.

“We haven’t made any decision yet …” Mnuchin said. “We will be sensitive to consumer items that particularly affect people on fixed salaries.”


The secretary said the department had an exclusion process on the fourth round of tariffs which will be announced in 30 to 45 days. He said the process will be built in.


Mnuchin said China was paying for the tariffs because their “currency is taking a hit.”


“As currency depreciates our companies can buy things at lower prices,” he added.


Last week, Walmart warned the Trump administration that tariffs on China mean higher prices for U.S. customers.

Biggs told reporters they're "monitoring the tariff discussions and are hopeful that an agreement can be reached.” The CFO warned that "increased tariffs will lead to increased prices for our customers.”


Walmart declined to comment on what type of price hikes shoppers could expect and which products would get the biggest increase.

The retail giant announced the plan days after the Trump administration raised tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods to 25 percent from 10 percent. The decisions, which came after trade talks between the two sides fell apart, is expected to lead to higher prices on everything from clothing and footwear to electronics.