Anonymous ID: a157db May 22, 2019, 8:27 a.m. No.6558132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8159


Think about it logically.

Never before have they come out from the shadows to fight. Never have they been more exposed.

From dark to light.


Many of the blood lines we are familiar with are the "popular" ones - the ones that ended up being part of the Roman/Catholic conquest of the Germanic and Slavic territories. A lot of old blood simply went under the radar as the Habsburgs or the … … Shit, my European history sucks - most of the recorded nobility and their antics.


Take for example something interesting as it pertains to my family name. Graz, Austria, was once known as Gradec to the Slovenian people. There is another Gradec, currently, and it was established by the Charter of the Golden Bull. It would make sense, then, that my own family would associate with the Austrian name to avoid confusion with the new Gradec. However… The old Gradec was pretty much the most important place to the Slavic tribes until St. Petersburg. Would explain some … Odd… Things about my family and some of the owls in my trees.


On that note - I think many assume Q's statements imply hostility where that isn't required. Thinking logically, how was it that POTUS coincided with so many resignations from businesses? The general assumption from many anons seems to be that this is some kind of result of pending legal action or some kind of military operation… But this seems implausible to me.

The whole plan may not be known by many, but the whole plan doesn't need to be known by all to be executed. The only groups I can think of that have the positioning and influence to be able to compel fundamental shifts in business practice are fraternal orders.


All such orders would have their problems, groups losing their way or becoming corrupt. They are not an ideal solution, but a response to a threat. Or should be.


There may be other groups, but the only ones I am tracking with that kind of influence both domestic and global are masonic orders. They are the only ones with the potential positioning to be able to counter the Committee of 300. They are also one of the only groups that could have protected some of the hidden/lost blood lines of old.


A complete analysis of masonic orders, their belief structures, etc goes beyond the scope of what I can put into a post, here - but suffice to say that most of us have been programmed to have a visceral rejection of a person/subject when certain keywords or symbols are used, and that shuts down any further processing of what someone is saying.


So it's a facet that may take time before many anons are willing to discuss it. I, myself, had to overcome my own programming on the issue - not that it changed my views, but I also used that time to instruct an order in why their tradition of being edge-lords was contributing to the problem. Or… I can only assume they were affiliated with the Eastern Star. Spoopy shit six ways to Sunday. Of course, they probably thought I was pretty spoopy as well. Not every day you have someone redpill themselves in the middle of your proverbial bar, break down the symbolism and history of your decorations and stage performances, then point out the barmaid is way too damned articulate to be of normal upbringing… Only to pass out and wake up two years later to go "Wait a god damn minute…" And find the secret club room in back.


Honestly - I don't care to be part of the secret club. There's one person I am particularly interested in among them, but not until whatever the hell is going on can be said in broad daylight.

Anonymous ID: a157db May 22, 2019, 8:37 a.m. No.6558205   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think that is giving the left far too much credit. They are going to be loud and obnoxious, but violence of substance will be limited.

These are generally not productive people of society. Their jobs are convenience and optional for most functions. Conservatives dominate the businesses of production and logistics - so the water, lights, and food stay on.


Another part of the psyops goal is to get people to develop unreasonable fear regarding the antics of liberals. They win if they can incite an ideological war:


Hanover Fist. If they can flip the system….