Anonymous ID: e125ae May 22, 2019, 7:20 a.m. No.6557718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7746


anon, the faggot just posts when he posts

it's not a bot for fuck's sake, other anons have done exactly what the spammer does without a script

mods don't care about it, just filter or ignore and move on

Anonymous ID: e125ae May 22, 2019, 7:28 a.m. No.6557765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7804 >>7915


>that particular script

anons have posted joke pasta the same length and posted an embedded video like the real spam and have recreated what the spammer does without a script, just sniping the dough

it's literally not a script, but ok anon, agree to disagree

what i mean is mods don't care, so just carry on contributing

>It's subversive, and one of the reasons this board is losing mojo.

I agree completely, and understand everything else you said

the current state of the board isn't what it used to or should be.

Anonymous ID: e125ae May 22, 2019, 7:38 a.m. No.6557827   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Has The Day Of The Nationalists Come For Europe?


Next week, Europeans may be able to gauge how high the tide of populism and nationalism has risen within their countries and on their continent.


For all the returns will be in from three days of elections in the 28 nations represented in the European Parliament.


Expectation: Nationalists and populists will turn in their strongest performance since the EU was established, and their parliamentary group — Europe of Nations and Freedom — could sweep a fourth of the seats in Strasbourg.


Nigel Farage’s new Brexit Party is predicted to run first in the British elections, winning two to three times the votes of the ruling Tory Party of Prime Minister Theresa May.


In France, Marine Le Pen’s National Rally is running even with the party of President Emmanuel Macron, who pleads for “more Europe.”


Matteo Salvini, interior minister and leader of the League, predicts his party will finish first in Italy and first in Europe.


At Salvini’s invitation, a dozen nationalist parties gathered in Milan this weekend. A week from now, they could be the third-largest bloc in the European Parliament. If so, their gains will come at the expense of the center-left and center-right parties that have dominated European politics since World War II.


Speaking before tens of thousands in front of Duomo Cathedral in Milan, Salvini threw back in the faces of his enemies the taunt that these new parties are rooted in the old ugly politics of the 1930s.


“In this piazza, there are no extremists. There are no racists. There are no fascists. … In Italy and in Europe, the difference is between … those who speak of the future instead of making trials of the past.”


Tomorrow versus yesterday, says Salvini.


While the European establishment draws parallels between the populist parties of the present and what happened in the 1930s, it fails to recognize its own indispensable role in generating the mass defections to the populist right that now imperil its political hegemony.


The populist-nationalist parties are energized and united by both what they detest and what the EU has produced.


And what is that?


They resent the inequities of the new economy, where the wages of the working and middle class, the core of the nation, have fallen far behind the managerial class and the corporate and financial elites.


People who work with their hands, tools and machines have seen their wages arrested and jobs disappear, as salaries have surged for those who move numbers on computers.


The disparities have grown too great, as has the distance between national capitals and national heartlands.


Then there is immigration. Native-born Europeans do not welcome the new ethnic groups that have come uninvited in considerable numbers in recent decades, failed to assimilate and created enclaves that replicate the Third World places whence they came.


If one could identify a cry common to populists, it might be: “We want our country back!”


Whatever may be said of populists and nationalists, they are people of the heart. They love their countries. They cherish the cultures in which they grew up. They want to retain their own unique national identities.


What is wrong with that?


Patriotism is central to nationalist and populist movements. Globalism is alien to them. They believe in De Gaulle’s Europe of nation-states “from the Atlantic to the Urals,” not in the abstract Europe of Jean Monnet, and surely not in the Brussels bureaucracy of today.


The nation, the patria, is the largest entity to which one can give loyalty and love. Who would march into no man’s land for the EU?


Europe’s nationalists are not all the same. The ruling Polish Law and Justice Party disagrees on Putin’s Russia with the ruling Fidesz Party of Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Hungary.


While the EU Parliament does not possess great power, these elections are not without great meaning.


Consider Farage. Should his Brexit Party run first in Britain, how can the Tory Party not carry through on the 2016 vote to withdraw from the EU, without betraying its most loyal constituency on its most critical issue?


Have the nationalists of Europe caught the wave of the future?


Or will the future see the revival of the idea of One Europe, a political and economic union that inspired the dreamers of yesteryear?


moar, based meme too:

Anonymous ID: e125ae May 22, 2019, 7:47 a.m. No.6557870   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ONE GIANT LEAK: Secret Nasa plans for lunar base and 37 rocket launches to the Moon revealed by leak online


NASA'S official plans to build a permanent base on the Moon have leaked online, revealing how and when astronauts will return to the rocky world for the first time in 50 years.


Internal documents show how Nasa wants to launch 37 rockets to the Moon within the next decade, with at least five of these carrying astronauts.


Starting with an unmanned rover in 2023, the space agency is expected to land people on the Moon in 2024.


Nasa will then fire manned missions to Earth's neighbour every year between 2024 and 2028, according to the documents, which were obtained by Arstechnica.


Speaking to The Sun, a Nasa spokeswoman confirmed the documents are real and revealed the plans were briefed today during a public session of the Science Committee to the Nasa Advisory Council (NAC).


They show a decade-long program that culminates with a permanent lunar base, which Nasa will begin building in 2028.


They are in part a response to recent calls from US Vice President Mike Pence to take astronauts back to the Moon.


"In the nearly two months since Pence directed Nasa to return to the Moon by 2024, space agency engineers have been working to put together a plan that leverages existing technology, large projects nearing completion, and commercial rockets to bring this about," Arstechnica's Eric Berger wrote.


"Last week, an updated plan that demonstrated a human landing in 2024, annual sorties to the lunar surface thereafter, and the beginning of a Moon base by 2028, began circulating within the agency."


Berger did not say how he obtained the plans, which have not yet been made public.


They do appear to line up with previous statements from Nasa about its lunar program, codenamed Artemis.


As with any space exploration project, the main obstacle is cash.


Nasa reckons it will need £4.5billion to £6.5billion per year on top of Nasa's existing budget of about £16billion.


Boss Jim Bridenstine recently asked for an extra £1.3billion in fiscal year 2020 to start developing a lunar lander.


The plan also relies heavily on contractors delivering ambitious hardware on time, which has hindered Nasa in the past.


Boeing has been developing the core stage of the agency's next-gen rocket, the Space Launch System, for eight years – but has yet to come up with the goods.


Boeing's handling of the multi-billion-pound contract, which is now twice over budget, has been blasted by Nasa's Inspector General.


Nasa was not immediately available for comment.

Anonymous ID: e125ae May 22, 2019, 8:11 a.m. No.6558031   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8069 >>8111 >>8279 >>8369



They are TRYING to claim that repairs, which means putting up NEW wall where old wall needed to be repaired or replaced, is NOT new wall.

They keep trying to claim this, but the FACT is that repairs ARE new wall, and that because POTUS used footage from 5 months ago (which is still current) that means he's lying:


The Army Corps of Engineers has overseen CBP wall replacement projects including some 124 miles of replacement barriers authorized since Trump took office. As of January, a New York Times analysis indicated that not a single mile of new border wall has been erected along the US-Mexico border wall.


White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders insisted Wednesday on TV that the administration will have 500 miles of wall built by year's end and would be twice as far along if Democrats were helping instead of pushing back


Trump said Monday night during a rally in Pennsylvania that 'the wall is being built as we speak.'


'We'll have almost 500 miles of wall by the end of next year,' he boasted, inviting an audience member on stage who was wearing a suit made of brick wall-print fabric.


White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders upper the ante Wednesday morning, saying the administration will hit that landmark by the end of 2019 and that Letter cited 'an incorrect number.'


'I know that there have been – there's over 100 miles, I think it's close to 115 miles that have been finished,' she said on 'Fox & Friends.'


'We feel comfortable and confident that we're on track to get right around 500 finished by the end of the year,' Sanders insisted.


WE NEED TO USE CONGRESS' MONEY (that they begrudgingly gave POTUS for the wall) FOR REPAIRS, THEN USE THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY MONEY TO BUILD WALL WHERE THERE IS NOT ALREADY WALL (what they seem to only classify as "new" wall).

So this is FAKE NEWS that POTUS has only built "2 miles of new wall", we have AT LEAST about 130 miles of new wall, and POTUS think by the end of the year we could have 500 miles of NEW WALL, both repairs of old wall and wall where none existed.


For pics:

Anonymous ID: e125ae May 22, 2019, 8:19 a.m. No.6558083   🗄️.is 🔗kun


kek, didn't even click on that one

Drudge is doing this for the dems and 2020

they know he is seen by a lot of conservatives, so they want him to push fake ass news with suggestive and hyperbolic headlines


that was a new baker though, seemed to just be having some fun tbh

Anonymous ID: e125ae May 22, 2019, 8:22 a.m. No.6558106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8114 >>8241 >>8293 >>8369






Why did Q capitalize Hold in HouseHold?

The actual spelling is household, or if it's proper Household; you don't capitalize hold.

Q said Misspellings matter, AND Sentence formation matters.

Q seemed to have used Title Case capitalization, and specifically Smart Case or Initial Caps capitalization.

What was/is Q implying?

Q could be implying there is a "House" on "Hold" or WAITING WHILE PANICKING, because the capitalization style implies every word is capitalized, meaning Hold would be another word besides household.

So, it could be that the democratic house OR the former officials of the Hussein White House could be on hold until DECLAS; but because the crumb was about the UK, it could mean the UK's parliament which is split into the House of Lords and Commons, could also be on hold. DECLAS is going to hit the UK, AUS, and FVEY hard, but hit the UK especially hard. Also, it could be the House of Windsor, which rules over ALL FVEY COUNTRIES EXCEPT THE USA and will be weakened as Brexit happens and DECLAS exposes their help in the attempted coup on POTUS.

Not sure what Q is implying, but this seems to definitely be a comm

Anonymous ID: e125ae May 22, 2019, 8:43 a.m. No.6558256   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm moar and moar convinced it could be the house of windsor, which rules ALL other FVEY countries and of course the UK who played the YUGE part in FISA

Not much info is out on what the queen's thoughts are about FISA though, gonna do some digging today in relation to the "crown" dossier terminology