Anonymous ID: 1f19e5 May 22, 2019, 9:15 a.m. No.6558531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8654 >>8658 >>8814 >>8979 >>9032 >>9145





So John Giacalone testifies that despite knowing of multiple investigations into the Clinton foundation, despite knowing that devices were destroyed under subpoena, he didn’t believe HRC to be a white collar criminal, so didn’t pursue facts that he normally would have in any other investigation.


George Toscas (as the main POC for DOJ regarding the MYE) claimed that for the gross negligence charge to be effectively used, they needed a “baseline” or smoking gun showing that those engaged in these activities knew what they were sending was classified information.


He claimed they could find no evidence that Clinton, or anyone else knew they were sending classified information non-securely.






All of these senior people at DOJ and FBI should be behind bars.

Fucking looking for intent, then ignoring it when it is right fucking there.

All these transcripts are is a record of these people covering up their crime of throwing an investigation. Seriously, i’m so fucking pissed.


>George Toscas Transcripts


>John Giacalone Transcripts

Anonymous ID: 1f19e5 May 22, 2019, 9:30 a.m. No.6558658   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is not incompetence on the behalf of all those involved


This is transcended gross malpractice going into corruption and malfeasance.


If I (a nobody) can find the evidence necessary to sustain the warped standing the held on the gross negligence criminal charge, you know they had to ACTIVELY AND KNOWINGLY work around the statute to come away with no charges.


Seriously, my view of these organizations are absolutely destroyed.

Anonymous ID: 1f19e5 May 22, 2019, 9:49 a.m. No.6558814   🗄️.is 🔗kun



would ask you to consider this for notables since it’s not gaining much traction.


This post shows definitive proof that the heads of the FBI and DOJ ignored evidence in the MYE case


1: John Giacalone’s personal view of Clinton prevented him from pursuing leads and additional charges based upon his own perception of Hillary

2: George Toscas warped the meaning of the gross negligence criminal charge and still ignored evidence that met that criteria

3: The article describing HRC as directing Huma to remove classified markers was public domain knowledge in Jan 2016 - months before Comeys exoneration letter was drafted on 2 May 2016.


>Willfully ignoring evidence of what would normally be considered destruction of evidence

>Changing the meaning “the spirit” of the law to meet a standard not meant when the law was drafted

>Ignoring evidence which, despite the warped logic leading the “intent”, met the level of criminal intent

Anonymous ID: 1f19e5 May 22, 2019, 10:12 a.m. No.6559042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9084




So is this a setup prior to something like at christchurch that you are working on or are you trying to screech yourself into some rag “news” hit piece?


You have to be aware, this has been seen many times before - your special brand of crazy. Tell me, why do you feel that this time will be any different? DId any of the previous screeching work to shut down the board? Did any of the previous screecher shills manage to stop conversations and discussions?

>so sad

Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results right?

>so ask yourself truly, am I really sane thinking this time, it will work?
