Anonymous ID: 7acaae May 22, 2019, 9:08 a.m. No.6558467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8578

Loretta Lynch's testimony:


Q: Are you familiar with his–I think he's testified to this–that you instructed, I believe in September of 2015, Director Comey to call the Midyear Exam investigation a matter?


A: I heard his testimony on it and that was the first time that he had ever indicated to me, in my understanding–he may have told others –that he had that impression of our conversation.


Q: So you do not believe you ever instructed him to call it a matter?


A: I did not. I have never instructed a witness as to what to say specifically. Never have, never will.



Someone is lying here, or has a bad case of DC Alzheimer's.


Is Comey a "witness", though? Isn't he the investigator? Only it wasn't an investigation, it was a … matter.


"Does it really matter? And if it matters – does it matter that it matters?" (H2G2)


Even if it's just a "matter" – doesn't it matter that it's a matter? (anon).