Anonymous ID: 859e63 May 22, 2019, 9:38 a.m. No.6558730   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I personally believe ITM has been trying to discredit the whole movement from the beginning. He took Patriots United and was basically turning it into a cult. There were signs for quite some time Q dropped post 1295 on April 29th, 2018. (If you go by the 2 days ahead of schedule still for the Q clock—falls on TODAY). This was around the same time ITM was brought into that server. He has been twisting Q for quite some time to fit HIS narrative. If at any point we challenged him or his narrative there were always repercussions. When many of us split from PU back in November we saw what was really going on. We started exposing the bs back then. When he started going mainstream and created his website and having super chats with huge donations, we called it out. My personal thoughts are Crop is still invested with ITM behind the scenes. He pushed and pushed for all of us to support ITM. We are watching an act in their show. I believe that the whole point of what they were doing was to purposely mix in a legitimate cult to make us ALL look bad. We knew that MSM was going to use it to try and discredit the whole movement. They have ULTIMATELY FAILED. All they did was Discredit themselves AND open up investigations into THEMSELVES. Don’t forget. The boards are being monitored BY FBI and others and they have ALL the information we have put up. As of right now they have lost their control and are grasping at straws. Just sit back and watch the show. Our movement will be just fine. Just continue to either expose them or stay quiet and let them continue to dig their own graves