Anonymous ID: 9f841c May 22, 2019, 9:40 a.m. No.6558744   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I think Schumer & Pelosi were told to straighten their shit up and POTUS would hold off or, at least, narrow the scope of a DECLAS.


Schumer seems to be doing alright, but Pelosi can't control the house. Nadler & Cummings may be just throwing bones to the rabid base to keep them preoccupied. Not necessarily WH actors, per se, rather drones keeping up appearances.


Things got fucked up when AOC called for impeaching POTUS and Pelosi Stepped on her strap on trying to explain it all away.


What you have now is some dems who may be moderate and willing to look at both sides, and who may have run on a platform of working with POTUS, who are being branded as types like pipsqueak AOC. They have to be pissed.


POTUS is tweaking Pelosi's tits so she'll fuck up more. Best solution for the country is for moderate dems to flip and give the house back to the GOP.


My 2 cents.

Anonymous ID: 9f841c May 22, 2019, 9:52 a.m. No.6558842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8859


>and they made fatal error in judgment by going after his namesake, DJT Jr.


Add Hope Hicks to that, IMO. She started in with Ivanka ,then was called in and went through all the campaign stops from the beginning with POTUS. She has to be as close to family as it gets for POTUS.


Last couple days you had AOC calling for impeachment, Pelosi saying cover up and the Nadler subpoena on Hope. TBig overreach.


Like I posted above, there are dems who may be moderate who don't like be branded by these assholes. POTUS is driving a wedge in that fissure now.

Anonymous ID: 9f841c May 22, 2019, 9:59 a.m. No.6558906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8951 >>9071


>Meaning the traitors had a meeting about "I"mpeachment.


Moderate dems hung tough if no call for impeachment. May be reason why May threw in the towel.


POTUS willnow take those dems backs.


Pelosi has to stop catering to the assholes and stick up for the moderates. She made a mistake letting AOC's call for impeachment go without a consequence.

Anonymous ID: 9f841c May 22, 2019, 10:11 a.m. No.6559038   🗄️.is 🔗kun



CS and DJT both NYC kids. Probably go way back. Know the lingo and won't/can't bullshit each other. I think DJT told him to keep the senate in line and he'll help him out. So far, senate's been OK, relatively. Bernie has to go over to the house side to stir shit up.