Another person with direct ties to Clinton and Obama has supposedly commited suicide, according to reports.
Professor Alan Krueger was found dead in his home, according to Princeton Police.
Krueger served as a top adviser to Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
The 58-year-old committed suicide, his family said in a separate statement released by the school Monday, New York Post reports.
“It is with tremendous sadness we share that Professor Alan B. Krueger, beloved husband, father, son, brother, and Princeton professor of economics took his own life over the weekend,” the family said. “The family requests the time and space to grieve and remember him.”
Krueger served as a Labor Department economist under Clinton, then as a top Treasury official for Obama. From 2011 to 2013, he was chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers.
But we tend to find the death suspicious.
This man was totally successful and actually has a book scheduled to be released in June.
He had everything to live for so why commit suicide?
There are many theories floating around on social media:
“Why did Alan Krueger commit suicide when he has a book coming out June of 2019?”
“Hmm I wonder what dirt he had on the Clintons?” another person asked.
“Well looks like the Suicide wave has started now that more evidence is surfacing. I wonder who is next!” another said.
“Oh, please, here we go again. How many people associated with the Clintons have committed “suicide” for one reason or another? It’s becoming a national epidemic. Of course, nothing will be done about it and no honest investigation will be allowed to open the Clinton graveyard and reopen the cases of people who committed “suicide,”‘ another peson wrote.
“The Clinton Hitman is the best you never heard of. CIA should have hired him- he might teach their assassins a thing or two. But then, he (or she) has never been named. Whomever is damned good,” another person said.
“Various contractors hired through the CIA’s database of known hit men. Hillary probably has them on Speed Dial.”
One thing for sure, he will never be able to testify against any of these people if he had dirt because he is dead.
You have to wonder what really happened.
We will never know.
Krueger is survived by his wife, Lisa, and two adult children, Benjamin and Sydney.
Rest in peace.
God Bless.
(sorry for spacing/copy n pasted)