EXCLUSIVE: General Mattis Planned Primary Run Against Trump, Pence Was Also Considered, Nikki Haley Was Tested As Running Mate
If this is true the fukkery was everywhere.
Former Defense Secretary General James Mattis and some White House employees were directly aware of a team working to launch a Mattis Republican primary campaign against President Donald Trump in the 2020 election, according to documents obtained by Big League Politics and statements from the organizers who put the team together.
“My job was to see what his pathway to the White House would look like,” Travis Snyder told Big League Politics in a series of interviews, referring to General Mattis. “There was a very small team.”
Snyder, a twenty-five year-old Indiana-based political consultant whom insiders say is close to Vice President Mike Pence, ran point on the operation, which Mattis and others were keeping track of.
Snyder also confirmed that the group polled Mike Pence’s chances to run against Trump, and found that Pence had no chance.
“I oversaw early states polling, putting together possible running mates,” Snyder said.
“I did not work with the fundraising team. I solely looked at what his path to the nomination would look like, and then his pathway to the White House,” Snyder said, declining to name the donors to the effort or the main person organizing it.
Running mate prospects included Nikki Haley and Dan Crenshaw.
“Nikki Haley was polled. Jackie Walorski, Mitch Daniels. There were regional smaller named people like Staff Sergeant Johnny Joe Jones” but Jones did not have the name ID, Snyder said.
“Dan Crenshaw was polled as a VP nominee in the event that Mattis” ran, Snyder said.
“General Mattis was aware of the effort,” Snyder confirmed. “He knew of the team, who exactly brought the team together.”
“There are people who currently serve in the White House who knew that the team was coming together,” Snyder said, noting that “This group is no longer active.”
Snyder tried to put together a team of consultants to assist in the effort.
Alex Rountree, a conservative consultant, was approached about being part of the team, but wanted nothing to do with it. Rountree identifies Snyder as being “good family friends with Pence” and being an adviser to Jackie Walorski, the congresswoman in Pence’s old district.