Confirmed moron. KYS!
These "thats a dude" idiots are all over youtube. Apparently actual women don't exist.
It would be great if the people behind a clown like Avenatti were held accountable too. But the 1% are never touched and won't be now either.
Not if it makes you look like a 12 year old dumbass. But enjoy yourself.
> Nancy Pelosi didn't have a Chinese spy working for her for 20 years
Are you thinking of Feinstein?
Highly doubtful. Who in any position of authority would make that happen?
There isn't one. Its Hagee tier "muh end times" nonsense and basically heretical.
I'm not making any demands of God. But go ahead and make up whatever nonsense you wish. What you're trying to claim isn't biblical. I'll bet you don't even understand that most of Revelations occurred in the first century AD.
You're a complete kook. Lol.
Never going to happen, nigger.