The most popular TV show in HBO history just finished up, and in the last show they were debating what was more important to do right now - rebuild the naval fleet, or open up the brothels.
Why can't we have legalized prostitution. Not the sick depraved stuff. That sick depraved stuff should be punished harder, but the normal stuff that's been around since the days of the dragons should be legal.
Trump is the fucking President, and has done pretty much nothing for us.
Fags and trannys and fat and ugly middle aged women are on a huge winning streak, and we're getting nothing.
The government is paying for crazy people to get the dicks cut off and normal dudes who can't stand how women are getting cuntier and cuntier every single day can't get their dicks sucked legally and affordably.
To this point, it looks like we're just getting jerked around by Trump. I'm still voting for him, but it's just a matter of the Dems being so much worse.
This whole "Trump is a great President" seems like total bullshit, but then again, they've all sucked. And, maybe Trump has sucked less than all of the Presidents in my lifetime. But they all suck.