Alabama Senate seat was never won by the Democrat fraud who stole it from Judge Roy Moore.
Uh wrong. The Roman Catholic Church was first, the orthodox church broke away from the Roman Church that St. Peter established.
Wrong again. Read the early Church fathers who lived through the period of the establishment of the Church which was persecuted by the pagans of Rome until the Christian mother of Constantine helped convince her son to accept Christianity. There is a historical record reaching back to the first Church members. Youtube tutorials by anti-Catholic zealots are not reliable history.
Sorry, you have bought into the masonic anti-Catholic Church lies. The evil luciferians/satanists/masons consider the Church their number one enemy that they need to destroy to establish their complete reign of terror on earth under the kingship of lucifer the dual gendered prince of this world. One plot to destroy the Church was to infiltrate its ranks and smash the Church's moral authority and leadership via sex scandals and Vatican bank corruption. But ultimately they will fail as Christ promises – the gates of hell shall not prevail against her.
Hey Junior, who do you think is in league with and/or controls the masons? And no it is not the Catholic Church.
Martial Law is NOT needed to get rid of illegals. Martial Law is deadly for law abiding citizens – gun grabs are step one under martial law, arrests without due process are step two, and disappearances are step three.
E. wouldn't be here, he has his own series of shows and interviews where people will actually see him.
Who do I believe, the Church with a 2000 year history which built western civilization or you?
just another tranny deceiver with fake boobs and man hands
just another inverse gendered illuminati deceiver whose mask is melting – check out that man brow and deep set eyes, plus fake boobs