>>6560035 Anderson Cooper displays the exact "projection" phenomenon when speaking of POTUS. Cause Cooper is the gay guy with repressed emotion toward the hetero-man, And he's the bitchy one, making snide comments against his "rival"
Funny how he revealed all that in the way in which he attacked Trump.
It truly cant be ramped up higher, the hatred can't. I can see why people like Cooper are inciting violence at the same time they all imply that's exactly what POTUS and Fox are doing.
Strange because, as far as I got in watching the clip, it was totally empty of political issues / facts - it was all snide school yard stuff.
POTUS calls out his enemies, but that's only spice to the real work, policy work, Foreign Affairs work, USA budget work, Economic Work, jobs work that he performs
And they claim POTUS is not working.
Very weird.
Cooper is like a cliche female in that he's about personalities not issues / principles.