shit frens just saw this (pic) and may have connected new dots.
loop capital handles munis AND …munis arent just issued by cities. also by nonprofits and charities.
think production function or black box. pay2play pymts going in would raise eyebrows if they served as means to finance i dunno orphanage in haiti… on paper. too many eyes on it bribes go in raising attention… to shadyness coming out other end.
what to do?! devise a funding scheme to take attention off shadyness coming on out side, deal with pay2play inputs with some other slight of hand. Enter munis. But law says sure your a 4013c you can issue them, but theres no window like with fed reserve and tbills. how do you ramp up demand. you find a " market maker" to broker you a demand. enter loop capital.
think about it… ask if you gots questions
and shadilay fags!