Anonymous ID: 4f1e69 May 22, 2019, 5:56 p.m. No.6562697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2737

>>6561900 lb

I stand corrected anon! That is barb. Not even a good looking man!




How long has this gone on I wonder?? My Lord, what lies have been perpetrated on the American people!! What traitorous people!!

Anonymous ID: 4f1e69 May 22, 2019, 6:17 p.m. No.6562842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2869 >>2887 >>2904 >>2920 >>2985


I live smack dab in blue territory. It's not easy. Grappling with some family members too, praying to God that He remove the scales from their eyes so they can see the truth.

But, what I want to say is please be careful!! Walk circumspectly (sp?). I have noticed that when it heats up in D.C. it will heat up all around the country as well. The evil forces are at work everywhere trying to take your peace away, trying to take your control away, or trying to take your authority away! I'm experiencing it here where I live - getting attacked left and right. Q was right about wearing the Armor of Truth! Wear it Anons!! Wear it and don't take it off, not even when you're sleeping. In fact, tighten the belt a little tighter, hold that shield a little higher, keep that armor on at all times! Things will heat up fast especially now, if John Solomon is right about POTUS declassing within a week. We need to stay strong together! Love you all, my fam!