Anonymous ID: 568c3e May 22, 2019, 6:43 p.m. No.6563062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3091


I hab a feeling we are getting to the climax in tdis movie, fren

but I too have liberals in my ears constantly tearing down eeverything I believe in - but we will never back down. we will never give up. we are simply smarter than the nthe tired narrative they spin..they are terrified of us. because were awake, and because we are waking up others. once moar normies come around,

game over. and tbh, I will miss this place if it implodes as part of the plan. I like ti think of it dis way, we are here because of the plan so far. look how far we have come against ALL ODDS. Surely you didn't tink it would end w POTUS whining? fuk no. I trust what got me here, and I trust that Q team will do what it takes to return power bak to the pepe.

TY frens, I am greatful and humbled. anons have made me smarter, stronger, and closer to God. I tink for myself. I sleep better at night when I manage to forget about all the awful pg sheit. God knows how hard that was to research. Bless you all for your sacrifices, and I pray for anons safety daily. ok slide over, back to lurk/memeing