Anonymous ID: 28aee9 May 22, 2019, 7:01 p.m. No.6563207   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3474 >>3702

>>6561989 (pb)

Thank you anon, I wrote the original post you responded to, thought it had just been overlooked.


Not sure if you are still on the board atm, but if you are, do you remember that true pundit article talking about how the NYC FBI Office had found all kinds of horrific crap on the laptop? And that they were pissed no one was taking any action on it?


I think this transcript validated that article. Ms. Kim (Elijah Cummings (D) stand in for these hearings)) was pushing REALLY hard to have William Sweeny identify who the Crimes against Children Case officer was.


This was the main topic of conversation from pages 50-60, basically trying to breakdown who exactly could have leaked the information to (according to Ms. Kim - RealClearInvestigations).


Then you go to page 38 and see how this Crimes against children Case Officer was told by an AUSA not to disclose 6E (grand jury) material in an unauthorized leak to the media. It was made note of in the IG report (probably in the classified redacted appendices cause i don’t remember anything about it being in there). Well he wrote an email to himself documenting the interaction with the AUSA which resulted in Sweeny requesting an investigation from the IG.


sauce for anons to verify


pgs 38 & 50-60


Note that this article came out 2 November 2016


This is just something i’ve been chewing over in my head. Also turns out that it WAS in the IG report as well, so I would almost say that this article was verified twice over. The transcripts make it sound as though they were discussing just regular emails, but if you find the point where Sweeny is talking hypotheticals about this case agent seeing certain photos… it becomes seriously plausible in my mind.


some sauce about it being in the IG report I found

Anonymous ID: 28aee9 May 22, 2019, 7:28 p.m. No.6563431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3461


>POTUS pronounces it GPS Fusion

>Found out today Brennan had a secretive cross agency fusion cell


>GPS Fusion as in name is GPS, Fusion meaning the worked with other organizations

>Brennan cross-agency Fusion


>GPS Fusion

>Cross Agency Fusion


picking up what i’m putting down?