Anonymous ID: 5908be May 22, 2019, 8:21 p.m. No.6563828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3838


Ppl looking for the IG video mostly right now. There is debate about the 2 witches who did he Periscope. Pics of the older female with Kevin Costner. Apparently the younger female Kayla OConnor has a brother named Kayne who is luciferian. She is also at least acquaintances. Some ppl speculate they deliberately lured Kappy to live in that house. So many stories. Douchefango and MAGA CO bitching back and forth about Fiona B and T. Schoenberger being involved. One guy says he talked to the driver of the truck that hit him… No real sauce though. There are many theories on twatter right now.