Anonymous ID: 87cf6d May 22, 2019, 7:47 p.m. No.6563573   🗄️.is 🔗kun



BREAKING NEWS: ClockFag sighting


Wrongthink's Notable Catch-Up Reviews


All /pb for the Dumn Niggers and to piss off the PhoneFags.

likes to collect GrammerKittyNazis


>>6562502, >>6562513 Syria update

DGAF until POTUS starts talking about otherwise Fake News.

>>6562533 Dems Tied to Obama’s Pro-Iran ‘Echo Chamber’ Spread Terror Regime’s Anti-Trump Talking Points

Moar shining light progress good good

>>6562535 Reminder: Bill Clinton's crime bill destroyed lives, and there's no point denying it (4-15-16)

yeah yeah put it on the HRC pile aka LOCK HER UP NOW!

>>6562695 Anon response to >>6561140 pb "NXIVM's tentacles extend deep into the Cabal"

pedo shit so don't suppress but double-ref /pb reNotes generally BAKER IS COMPD

>>6562711 "Non-partisan" Democracy Alliance Members Fund ‘American Oversight’ Investigations of Trump

STFW… any shining light FOIA that's legit legal under the law is fine by me no matter who's doing it.

>>6562032 pb Federal Grand Jury Charges San Fernando Valley man with planning Long Beach Terror attack

>>6562306 pb Side by side on Long Beach Terror attack

Are these from /pb LateBreadFaggots? If so, cool but tell those niggers not to post in the /pb LateBreadFaggots Shitpost Section k thx

>>6562762, >>6562781 John Solomon Files Motion Asking FISA Court to Unseal Evidence of Wrongdoing in Russia Collusion Case

needs moar secondary sauce prolly generally true but GP can be clickbaity

>>6562782 How Media Propagandists Create ‘Symbolic’ Meaning (Bernays-style propaganda)

Shakespeare on

is epic.

>>6562814 Rybicki transcript confirms LL directed Comey to call it a "matter", others were present

LL Under Bus time now Clown Nigger Rybpollacki ratted his truth hover pic didn't load and sauce is thus sketchy

>>6562844 Trump lawyers & House Dems ask Federal Court of Appeals to expedite proceedings in subpoena suit


>>6562946 Moar on Kappy DIGG

Kappy's E-Tainment Update Ep. 666

>>6562969 Democrats carp about suspicious curtains, chair placement after Trump infrastructure blowout


>>6562981 POTUS will travel to Japan on May 25-28

Increase of

My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country

EffortPosts forthcoming stay tuned.

>>6563022 Asian Market reports: chill from Sino-US tech war & China central bank plans offshore bills for sale (yuan jumps)

Glow Nigger News China Divison

>>6563074 Sara Carter predicts "avalanche of info" for American people on Hannity

Sara's new viral campaign to increase meme count she was starting to lag again smart move

>>6563095 Ex-FBI lawyer Trisha Anderson: Carter Page FISA application approved in 'unusual' way by McCabe, Yates, and Baker

Figures, the DC grading curve hottie you could defend fapping to could turn out to be a popular rat.

Her best move is to say Yates was a mean cunt and her younger/(DC)hotter/tighter/GND hot piece of ass was used.

>>6563056 Roger Stone contacts John Durham about FBI surveillanc

SpyNigger Update love him hate him he moves markets.