How many of the goods from your house were made in China or India? Don't pretend you give any fucks about Christian persecution.
My indifference? So why don't you add the nations where it's punishable by death to have a Bible?
Got sauce on your MiL?
Oh ok then. I'll be sure not to buy all those Israeli made goods they sell at the local Walmart
Doesn't work if the goods use UPC code
Does AOL still exist?
Uh oh. What's this about?
No shit Sherlock. Did you figure that one out on your own?
Charlie Hebdo has been given an international award for 'Islamophobia', two months after 12 members of staff were shot dead in a terror attack.
Please tell us how you care about Jewish subversion again
The IHRC is a terrorist organization that lies about pretty much everything. So how can I trust them or you any more than zionists?
Did you research all those companies? Or did you just take the muzzies word for it?
I understand you point completely. My question has more to do with you sharing something that comes from a known biased propagandist org not knowing if it's true or not