Anonymous ID: 0d1e16 May 23, 2019, 1:43 a.m. No.6565106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5204

FEB 26, 2019 (but I don't recall seeing it here. Just ran into this somehow looking for Podesta art for Hillary grotesque tweets.)

Anonymous ID: 0d1e16 May 23, 2019, 2:13 a.m. No.6565146   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Article 2 yrs old


"I want to emphatically warn readers that the following content is extremely disturbing, triggering, and constitutes child abuse in my opinion. I am posting it here to preserve evidence of such child abuse in the hopes that it stops. The public must be aware of the crimes being committed by those in power if there is ever going to be a chance of ending it.


I was moved to post about Tony Podesta's art manager after seeing this thread by "FollowTheMoney" on voat.


The thread points out that Maria Marshall, Tony Podesta's art manager, has published blatantly pedophilic material. This has been discussed in the early months of pizzagate (so much so that the infamously CIA-backed trash the Washington Post wrote an entire article defending Marshall.


Marshall's photos are blatantly abusive and exploitative towards her subjects, some of whom are her own children. It is disturbing to see this imagery. It is even more angering that Tony Podesta can get away with calling this abusive material "art," while simultaneously endangering US National security by selling 20% of US Uranium to Russia in the Uranium One scandal. Which, as twitter user Pizzagate Angela and others have pointed out, is connected to Frank Guistra who also ran a refugee center which used a logo that appears extremely similar to the FBI description of pedophilia symbols.


I am posting my tweet storm on this topic in case of suspension, as follows: here, here and here


These images are not posted in order to be salacious. They are posted to show that criminals who abuse children are in the highest positions of power in this country. These images are without doubt abusive, much less what they imply goes on off camera/in private. This is not the first or the last time Marshall's work has been noted in connection with Tony Podesta."


This has some fuct up sht in here. I'm not posting the pics.

These people are sick af.

Anonymous ID: 0d1e16 May 23, 2019, 2:45 a.m. No.6565204   🗄️.is 🔗kun


February 23, 2019

BUENOS AIRES ( – The mysterious death of a whistleblower in Argentina is prompting family members to demand an investigation into what they suspect to be murder.


Natacha Jaitt, a model and actress, had been working on outing what she claimed to be a pedophile sex ring among celebrities and elites. Two weeks before she was scheduled to give court testimony against Gustavo Vera, whom she accused of sex trafficking and who is a close associate of Pope Francis, she was found dead.


Two weeks before she was scheduled to give court testimony against Gustavo Vera, whom she accused of sex trafficking and who is a close associate of Pope Francis, she was found dead.

At 2 a.m. Saturday, her naked body was found on the bed of a room in the hotel Xanadu in Villa La Ñata in the town of Benavidez. Two men were questioned at the scene: 47-year-old Guillermo Riconi, owner of the Villa, and 48-year-old Raul Velaztiqui, a film producer and the one who placed the call to police on finding her body.


The autopsy report claimed the cause of death was “Heart-respiratory failure (multi-organ failure) that led to pulmonary edema.” The autopsy also revealed traces of cocaine in her nasal passages.

Jaitt’s brother and attorney, however, insist she would never have used cocaine because of a medical condition she suffered. Both of them suspect foul play.


“[W]e understand that she may have been a victim of a crime, he [her brother] is afraid that she was the victim of a murder,” said Alejandro Cipolla, Jaitt’s attorney.


Regarding the autopsy, Cipolla did not participate, but insisted that it be recorded “from start to finish.”


On Apr. 5, 2018, Jaitt tweeted: “I’m not going to kill myself, I’m not going to overdose or drown in a bathtub, I’m not going to shoot myself, so if any of this happens, IT WASN’T ME. Save this tweet.”


Whatever sauce this is: