Anonymous ID: 26fd5d May 23, 2019, 3:46 a.m. No.6565341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5347


your first post in the bread:

(Thu) 02:45:42 1c78cb (6)

your latest post:

(Thu) 06:42:15 1c78cb


you've been here for four hours all for a 'larp' and want to 'dox us all'

I guess that's better that what some say would have happened had Hillary won to 'all' of us.


four hours of you being here in the middle of our night.


sounds to me like you have something emotionally invested in hating Q and patriots.


so you're gonna dox me?


oh, and the other one: you know the stupid larper-cat from last year and make memes with cat heads in them.


wow whose the looser if you aren't a fan of Q why are even here?


please explain.

you get paid to do this, right?



Anonymous ID: 26fd5d May 23, 2019, 4:08 a.m. No.6565385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5399


listen, 'magic'? as a word it's a word.

but you know prayer is NOT magic.

It works, yes, and it's not about 'karma', yes.

magic is saying: this is how it will be that I want and I dont' care what the consequences are of doing this to me or to anyone and I know how to do it and here it is. andyou do your magic whatever (I don't do this).

Prayer is like this: I'm not worthy, I know, to be asking you this except thtat I know you love me, Lord and here is what the problems are about these people (and you know who the people are or just in general) and do for them what helps them that's wonderful that I can't even imagine to help them to give them the things they need to come closer to you, Lord. And don't do those things for them if it's bad for them or will hurt people or is selfish.


God is always willing, the prayer has to be good for you.


magic is a coin in the vending machine, Karmic debt, a soda you drink, you throw the can away. yo uforever you ever had it. it doesn't matter as soon as you get it.


prayers builds you and lets you grow.

magic? if it works? It's just some metaphysical thing that we don't yet understand .


Prayer we also maybe don't understand.

Prayer is good for you and the people around you.

Magic is 'me me me , now now now, I don't care about free will, I want it now.'


a good meme is thus a visual prayer.

effective memes? with subliminal crap that fucks with people's heads? you might get an effect in the realms of 'likes' and clicks.

but in the end if it's not good for them it's maybe bad for them? And do you want to bare responsiblity for that?


love does concor all. It's expressed as a fond affection and hope for the future in prayer, not magic.


you cna't know what will be good for you in 10 years. The Lord does.


so that's it. And you have to understand that having free will means you don't use it to fuck with other people. And magic does that.


if it's doing something else it's a pallor trick. Like a chemical volcano, whalla? Magic? No, rapid outgassing of a gas, most likely C02.


hope this helps.

give up 'magic' and stick to prayer.

Anonymous ID: 26fd5d May 23, 2019, 4:24 a.m. No.6565423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5451


you persist with your crap and say bullshit to me and insult me?


if a spirit is showing you 'his magic' it's probably someone in that realm training you to be a demon.


Sorry to tell you but you are on the wrong path.

within the cloud of unknowing maybe you are 'shown things', but when you return you aren't allowed to remember any of it.


you tell me bullshit and insult me.


let me guess, next thing you'll post a khat pic that says 'hang in there lill phighter'


hang in there, you'll be free of demonic influence.

Anonymous ID: 26fd5d May 23, 2019, 4:37 a.m. No.6565460   🗄️.is 🔗kun


it's a dolt who doesn't know anything trying to larp as a metaphysical expert and is too enthralled by his new hypnosis techniques and gaining newbie followers that he thinks that smack talk and veiled insults will wash.


this person is not concerned with our well being. the 'hang in there' bit was an intentionl effort to trigger by saying something that a smarry Jezibel would say to you after they think that they have made you confused. I'm not confused and I gave out good information:


stick to prayer. respect free will. avoid magic.


but he tells me that God will show me magic if I 'stick to it'

sounds like that anon is speaking to demons who have misrepresented themselves. (more likely he's just a larper and doesn't really know anyting).


that's hillarious, you posted a khat pic.


you really are a shill.


you're an idiot. If you fuck with magic and get it wrong you open a door for demons to come and live in your head. seems like that is what is going on with you.


you're toying with danger and acting like it's all a 'ha ha'


and then you play the role of 'be a better person'


serious dangerous and demonic mistakes of a chuckle bunny who is probably ruled by his labido.


good luck.


ah, and here you are proving my point, posting cursed imagery thinking you are infecting me with your bullshit.


you talk about God and post cursed images? that is what is known in technical metaphysical terms as being 'fucked in the head'. that 's you, it seems.

Anonymous ID: 26fd5d May 23, 2019, 4:46 a.m. No.6565498   🗄️.is 🔗kun


everyone is jealous of him.

just because he had a manic interlude and felt he needed to be in the spot light to avoid being railroaded.


you would do well to try and understands what motivates a young man like him and try to build them and and teach them instead of trying to destroy them.