Anonymous ID: 34600c May 23, 2019, 2:17 a.m. No.6565151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5264

Right quick night shift:


I just found out there are army recruiting posts in cities and towns that are designated (at least in the signage) as medical / healthcare recruiting stations. Ok fine. its in demand sector always has been esp with warfighting. Tonight is the first I've come across one ever though.


So great send a soldier down to a college town that has a med school and tell them to shake some trees. cool.


But why in a place like this?


FWMF+8P New Windsor, NY


That's a new google system of geolocating a position on a map if ya plug it in.

can anyone tell me ? Small spoopy ass town got me to slow down in my scanning…. and see this first time in my 40 years.


It's in a real corp zoned area nearabouts this establishment


210 Wembly Road, New Windsor, New York 12553



140 Executive Dr #100, New Windsor, NY 12553


U.S. Army Medical Recruiting Center

Anonymous ID: 34600c May 23, 2019, 2:34 a.m. No.6565178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5217

ok fuck also adjacent to recruiting statio on a cul-de-sac is this production company

a branch office of a group called minutae architecture that does high profile and high end shit like

West Pt. Officer's club renovations


and a few miles back towards the waterway rundown ass lots with cover and necessities to pull riverbarges for loading and unloading…. and right in that area is this place….



I am scratching ym head a little bit here as it is almonds activated but not sure why/how just gut on this


and this on way to screencap water area


what is color forecasting? if we have a femanon on board or knowledgable spouse anon can ya riddle me on this?

Anonymous ID: 34600c May 23, 2019, 2:40 a.m. No.6565189   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So here's my hot take on this and maybe something maybe nuthin….


This town kinda looks like the perfect spot to to take an investment if your a trafficker and hooker them up with makeup before putting them on the trak or a holdover spot entrepot in transit…. but take a closer look that makeup company…. chems that lighting company flourene, halogen elements on the table no reason to raise eyebrows… run down industrial scale holding tanks…. what if it looks spoopy like cartels moving slaves but it turned out to be something more like chicom outpost where theyrally while on our soil and maybe test cook fentynal here and then test it on all these trailer parks in the area. This is all speculation, and trying to make sense of coming across this mind everyone…. but damn somethings under that table i'd wager.