Anonymous ID: 552adb May 23, 2019, 12:25 a.m. No.6564999   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5016 >>5023 >>5028 >>5048 >>5074 >>5079 >>5082 >>5099 >>5108 >>5334 >>5396 >>5449

trying one more time to ask a Q for any anon's interest should it be so obliged as to be worthy of such…


"no one got this"….Oct 29th, 2017…


first post recorded (pub) was Oct 28th, 2017


Who is "no one?"

Q's statement while asking questions could very well be taken as a reveal that others were subject to the same questions.


Right or wrong, it caught my eye and wanted to relay it one more time….

Anonymous ID: 552adb May 23, 2019, 1:11 a.m. No.6565075   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5078 >>5082 >>5084 >>5087 >>5090 >>5108 >>5334 >>5396 >>5449



I took it all as meaning governments around the world were working in collaboration together to maintain a façade of active conflict among each other, aside from those either not aware of the "game" or refusing to play such a "game" and that MS-13, among other "expendable" groups were also in play around the world as the wetworks crew to keep the "game" out of public sight and tie up any loose ends as ordered. The public is quite conditioned when it comes to violence, even violence with a twist such as MS 13 and Seth Rich along with the kicker at the end….full insulation by taking out the MS members responsible for the hit. The amount of mystery/crime series shows put out and the sometimes elaborateness of the plots does a good job on most. But to think of it on a world scale, with the very govs whom order troops out to battle working with each other behind the scenes and being responsible for massive loss of life and utter ruin of others….simple fact of the matter as far as I have gotten is this…


"Normies" are "normies" because they STILL refuse to acknowledge the power they have and instead rely on gov to ensure what needs done to maintain a safe country gets done, therefor, at discovery of this type of information, "normies" quite likely would lose their minds and become part of the problem rather than strive to be the solution.


Of course, it goes much deeper, the past history, although shrouded with falsities, reeks of this "game" having gone on for a very long time. To elaborate further, we know tech is well beyond "rockets" and my own opinion of the matter is that rockets themselves was an obsolete tech before the culmination of WWII. Patriotism was inspired in the nation by perceived dominance, I.E. beating Russia to the moon. And by those regards, Op Paperclip and the inception of NASA since day 1 was nothing more than deception to control narrative, install patriotism, stifle technological achievement, and collect a massive budget from the unsuspecting public. Of course, a good ruse is flexible, and I am sure much more could be added to that list. Meanwhile, establish launch site near oceanside, control "Bermuda Triangle" narrative to deter would be discovery crews, present and future, and let the public witness rockets seemingly carrying out planned missions for continued justification of and increase in budget as time tread on while the rocketry was doing nothing more than splashing down in a taboo area where things "disappear" quite often. Meanwhile, real tech advancement is carried out with NASA budget, among other farces I am sure would exist in this scenario, and highly advanced strongholds are incorporated to continue milking humanity so as to shear the sheep now and again while having them do all the work which is actively enslaving them deeper and deeper each step…..I could go on, but beyond "normies," the sheer discovery of something as such carries the capability of destroying the minds of even some who perceived themselves as "awake"….


Just a little writers fiction possibly representing a tiny bit of non-fiction within our reality……I am certainly not one of the less than 10 with the full picture. Just one who contemplates ever having to face it if necessary.

Anonymous ID: 552adb May 23, 2019, 1:14 a.m. No.6565077   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5089



The primary reason behind me bringing it was the simple question I asked in OP…


Why did Q say that "nobody got this" the exact same moment he asked the question "nobody got?"


Q essentially implied this was not the first audience to witness the particular string of questioning.

Anonymous ID: 552adb May 23, 2019, 1:45 a.m. No.6565111   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5122



Of course, a logical solution to such a problem, but to use that analogy in place of 'here' begs a course of action after turning the game off so as to resolve the problem leading to the playing of the game in the first place. JMO I understand this board serves multiple purposes, first and foremost being "the message" once received, the message is to be relayed and the guidance is to be utilized so as to help others "receive" as well from a state of mind where many were before they themselves "received" it. And many are already out there doing what they can to draw attention and show others how to ask questions, but not all are so proficient as to have received the entirety of "the message" as others, but simply know the stakes and the layout of the board enough to utilize to help others see for themselves.


Any anons whom have been here all this time are the sort whom have absolutely no intention of not seeing it through to whatever end they may glean from their own capabilities as well as the coded converse ever so present here among other anons.


Quite the pickle for them me thinks.

Anonymous ID: 552adb May 23, 2019, 2:47 a.m. No.6565206   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5216



Tbh, I came across pleiadians, reptilians, light workers, etc long before ever being introduced to Q…..and I have always suspected to videos, article, and open forum chats have been for coded communications…right out in the open….


I never aspired to dig further into the intuitive contemplations….





Whether there is truth to the madness that is "new age" or so it was termed, idk….but comms piggybacking I think was a definite happening.

Anonymous ID: 552adb May 23, 2019, 3:03 a.m. No.6565232   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5239



To have climbed a hill this far and high only to turn and walk down now and again glancing back up to where the peak must lie within the clouds instead of taking comfort others are too climbing with you seems a waste anon. A simple break and some sunshine may alter your perspective me thinks.

Anonymous ID: 552adb May 23, 2019, 3:35 a.m. No.6565309   🗄️.is đź”—kun



1% have it all


99% have been divided and fighting each other…


if truth dropped hard, endgame initiated by 1% putting 99% in hospital so as to deter direct retaliation by 99% over the atrocities committed to them by the 1%….?


and launch the spitball out the tube….