Anonymous ID: 79e6d5 May 23, 2019, 12:26 a.m. No.6565002   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5020 >>5022 >>5334 >>5396 >>5449

Obama’s ILLEGAL “Hammer Surveillance Program” Violated MILLIONS of Americans, Not Just President Trump


May 23, 2019 Catherine J Frompovich


This article results from several readers emailing me various links about the illegal surveillance program, a spying platform, operated with President Obama’s knowledge for several years, plus CIA Director John Brennan and National Intelligence Director, James Clapper. Furthermore, the 7th FBI Director James Comey (2013 to May 2017) was aware of “The Hammer” since at least August 19, 2015!


What sort of lying has been ongoing at the Deep State, and why?


How, and why, has the Deep State been able to deflect its criminal and unconstitutional activities onto Donald J. Trump and create “RussiaGate” to cover up its apparent collusionary activities with Barack Obama, who ought to be tried, convicted and imprisoned for sedition, subversion and treason, in my opinion?

Anonymous ID: 79e6d5 May 23, 2019, 1:24 a.m. No.6565084   🗄️.is đź”—kun


agree with everything…

the game





>I could go on, but beyond "normies," the sheer discovery of something as such carries the capability of destroying the minds of even some who perceived themselves as "awake"….

can confirm

had a rough time personally with learning many of these things in recent years

pizzagate especially put me in a really dark place


its tough to go into normie world and see how people focus on and react to what are essentially very trivial things in the grand scheme, and I have to talk with about the sportsball game or whatever the fuck bread and circus they're on about

Anonymous ID: 79e6d5 May 23, 2019, 1:40 a.m. No.6565102   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5115


>he attending Dr said the floor was shut down and he wasn't even allowed to take care of his patient. I believe feds shut the floor down or the room. He also stated he didn't know what happened to him after he died or where he went

think about this

if the feds can take control like that for protecting a witness whats to say they haven't used the same tactics and authority for nefarious purposes under Hussein

I am certain of it actually, just a thought experiment to expand on this


how many whistlenblowers or just inconvenient persons have they taken out?

how many Dr or other witnesses have been slapped with National Security Letters preventing them talking?


I think this is just the tippy top of a very huge, very old iceberg