Anonymous ID: a482ec May 23, 2019, 1:51 a.m. No.6565119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5123 >>5150

Imagery in the msm: The Green Mist of May. As Theresa May works through her departure with those in power behind the scenes, this is the picture headlined in the Daily Mail. Looks like she has probably already resigned. Who will be PM to meet with President Trump when he visits the UK? Will they quickly install BoJo without a membership vote to grovel/apologise for the Uks involvement in Spygate? Or will there be a vaccum and no actual PM?


The Green Mist is the main antagonist in the 2010 Narnia movie The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. The book doesn't go into the detail.


From the movie script.

'There is the source of your troubles. It can take any form. It can make your darkest dreams come true. It seeks to corrupt all goodness… to steal the light from this world.' ~ Coriakin tells the Pevensies about the Green Mist.


The Mist came from the Dark Isle and was a formless substance that could enter into one's deepest, darkest thoughts and make them real. It required sacrifices from the pirates of the Lone Islands, who fed it boatloads of living humans. The only way that it could be defeated was if the Seven Swords were laid at Aslan's table. It was responsible for the creation of a huge, terrifying sea serpent, via Edmund's thoughts. Also from Edmund's thoughts came the resurrected memory of the White Witch. The White Witch appeared to Edmund as one of the illusions the Green Mist created. She is seen as one of Edmund's fears and tried to convince him again that he will be King someday and that he has to trust her, but Edmund knew she was not really there. The White Witch that appeared to Edmund on the Dawn Treader was merely a figment of his imagination unleashed by the mind-bending Green Mist. But she remained a reminder to him that that which tempted him was always a threat and the Pevensies' vanquished foes still lived on their minds.



Anonymous ID: a482ec May 23, 2019, 4:29 a.m. No.6565436   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yes possibly, but it looks like it's all over for her, politically. This is the text of a Daily Telegraph article which we now know is untrue. It's the narrative the UK msm continues to push; a couragous, brave Mr Steele risking his own saferty to do the right thing and bring this important information to those higher than himself. Notice it says: 'And yet Mrs May was not briefed on the [Steele] dossier, insiders at Number 10 insist. The exact reason is unknown.' Tis not very believable.


'The detached house on a suburban street in Wimbledon was an incongruous venue for a meeting about spies, secrets and the incoming president of the United States.


But it was here, at a £1.7 million South London home, that former MI6 agent Christopher Steele came a week after Donald Trump’s shock election victory in November 2016 on what he saw as a mission of national security.


For months Mr Steele, once in charge of MI6’s Russia desk but now approaching a decade out of the service, had been grappling with astonishing intelligence he had collated about the Trump campaign.


Contracted by a Washington DC-based research firm to investigate Mr Trump before the election, Mr Steele had put feelers out to around 20 sources about his Russia ties that summer and autumn.

