lots of glycerine in them there products…
And color forecasting is just like any time of forecasting in retail, whatever: Data analysis to determine what the next color trends will be.
Pantone is a big player in the color trends, I think?
lots of glycerine in them there products…
And color forecasting is just like any time of forecasting in retail, whatever: Data analysis to determine what the next color trends will be.
Pantone is a big player in the color trends, I think?
oooooooooooooooo mmmyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeee GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this bear wins at life. <3
i think i'm dying.
It doesn't make sense and it doesn't need to.
That is all that will ever matter from this day forward.
He seems fine without a new limb, doesn't he?
Like, maybe he's a super evolved bear or something? Maybe ALL bears will be walkin' around like they own the block in several thousand years or so?
Who am I to interfere with that possibility?
Maybe Pedals doesn't want help? Sometimes the "cure" is worth than the initial ailment. Is sitting around his bear house crying about not having a paw? Maybe, yet it looks to ME like that bear is more like "Well, shit! Why aren't all the other bears doing this?! Lookit this! I have been mistaken for a human in a sweatshirt! Crazy! And my back actually feels pretty great, which I could not say before."
worth = *worse