Anonymous ID: f0585c May 23, 2019, 3:02 a.m. No.6565231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5244



Q talks about those things "flat earth, 911 …" because there are a lot of conspiracy researchers here. Not because the story Q is telling really has much to do with that stuff. We're on draining the swamp and lock her up right now. When that happens, then other, bigger stuff might happen.


Remember, Q came to 4 chan, said ATTENTION EVERYONE, I'M AN INSIDER AND PODESTA WILL BE ARRESTED WITHIN THE WEEK. And that didn't happen, but it attracted attention from people who want Podesta arrested, and those people are also familiar with conspiracy theories, so, the people talking over there on 4 chan were talking about when's Podesta being arrested, and they were also wondering if the story was going to contain Rothschild, because there aren't any conspiracy theories w/o Rothschild and Soros is definitely involved. And then Q adds Rothschild and Soros to the story. And when someone brings in something new, Q brings in something new. Most of the conspiracy theory 101 was covered a while ago.


Now it's basically waiting for "I told you so", and Dems getting arrested, going on trial and going to jail, and then GOP winning big in 2020, enough so to get things done with the laws.

Anonymous ID: f0585c May 23, 2019, 3:17 a.m. No.6565262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5309



I believe that "99 percent of people in hospital" is wrong. It doesn't make sense. More than 1% of the population doesn't trust hospitals. Many of us would take home precautions. People are fine now.

Anonymous ID: f0585c May 23, 2019, 3:33 a.m. No.6565305   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>People are dying in hospitals around the world already but we are not seeing medical breakthroughs, free energy or nanotech to help these people. They are just dying.


You don't really have a very advanced understanding of how the medical system works.


We have cures. There are natural normal foods that cure lots of things and prevent those same things.


But the FDA works the way it works, and there is no big turmeric or big coconut oil to spend money on testing, so, we are led to believe the best solution for medical ailments are things that don't exist in nature and can be patented, which gives them a monopoly, which gives them extra money which allows them to bribe. Hot pharmaceutical sales reps were a thing there a while back, and lobbyists for the politicians of course.