Anonymous ID: 6eb05d May 23, 2019, 10:14 a.m. No.6567482   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7485 >>7572 >>7748 >>7758 >>7779


Adam Schiff→chairman: House Intelligence Committee

Adam Schiff→Igor Pasternak

Igor Pasternak→Ukrainian arms dealer

Soros→Igor Pasternak

Pasternak→in Kiev, 2014 CIA sponsored coup



A Ukrainian billionaire oligarch, with US military contracts, funding Adam Schiff’s campaign dinners at $2,500 a plate?

Schiff gets donations from a Ukraine arms dealer, who wants the US to ship more lethal weapons to Kiev's Neo Nazi regime that kills ethnic Russians.



Schiff was spotted openly talking with Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson in Aspen, Colorado.

Any wonder why Schiff is pushing the Russia hoax so hard?

He's got a lot to hide.


Schiff has now been exposed.


A private State Department-approved transaction from Worldwide Aeros circumvented the Obama administrations objections to sharing weapons technology with the Ukrainians.


Schiff got his money.

Ukrainians got their US technology.

Anonymous ID: 6eb05d May 23, 2019, 10:55 a.m. No.6567762   🗄️.is đź”—kun


While I believe in Q, and trust the plan, I can't help but wonder more and more everyday why we hold all this evidence to put all these terrible people away, yet we just sit on it. After awhile, the most patient people will start to get impatient