Is this Katrina Spade any relation to Suicided Kate Spade or David Spade brother in law?
The suicide machine Notable
And: when is the meme gonna be made with RBG hanging out of the KYS Model 5000? PB >>>>6566379
One last thing, is it me or does this look like a giant mouse like for your computer? Made me think of Kate Spade (suicided) her husband who wore the MOUSE mask, and now this girl who looks like a boy who invented this and lobied for a bill to use it also has the last name Spade. PB >>6566585
Weird if she is related to any of them.
Her Twitter profile says she loves pickles and BABIES.
>>6566357 >>6566363 >>6566371 >>6566374 >>6566379
>>6566585 >>6566607 >>6566768 >>6566898 >>6566924
>>6566943 >>6566995
Katrina Spade
Founder of Recompose. Return to the earth! Death is life! Loves pickles and babies and playing racquet sports.