Needles, feces & drugs, oh my! SF Board of Supervisors rewarded with 12% raise
Imagine being so handsomely rewarded for turning your once beautiful city into a sh*thole. It pays well to be a public servant…
From SF Gate: San Francisco’s supervisors will be getting a 12% raise this year, more than three times the size of those being given to other elected officials and city employees.
The raise was approved by a 3-1 vote of the Civil Service Commission on Monday and represents a $15,016 pay hike, bringing the board members’ salaries to $140,148 this year — plus benefits.
“I felt the boost was appropriate to bring the pay more in line with the responsibilities of the job,” said Commission President F.X. Crowley, a former labor leader who ran for the board himself in 2012.
The supervisors’ pay hike, however, was far above the $5,005-a-year raise recommended by the Civil Service Commission staff.
The staff report, which surveyed cities and counties statewide, recommended they receive the same 4% raise this fiscal year as other city workers and elected officials — that would have given them about $125,000, plus benefits. Most city workers are getting 11% spread out over three years.
Instead, the commission voted to give the supervisors the 12% boost this year, with annual cost-of-living increases in succeeding years.
Under the City Charter, every five years the commission sets the salary for the supervisors and other elected officials.
Given that the annual cost-of-living increase has been running at about 3% a year, the supervisors could see a total pay raise of 24% or more over the next five years.
In a surprise move, Board of Supervisors clerk Angela Calvillo presented the commission with the salary survey she requested from a Board of Supervisors budget and legislative analyst.