Dutch Labour party wins European Parliament vote-exit poll
The Labour party of European Commissioner Frans Timmermans on Thursday won a surprise victory in Dutch voting for the European Parliament, easily beating an upstart right wing populist party, an exit poll showed.
sauce: https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2019-05-23/labour-party-wins-dutch-vote-in-european-election-exit-poll
sauce: https://news.yahoo.com/upstart-nationalist-baudet-vies-become-largest-dutch-party-051530713.html
>I watched an online tv show that showed more with real people counting on the poll stations and it's a fact, so not much will change with the vote-exit poll… this is just for you to know wtf happened here. I really wonder how this is possible… but The Netherlands is small, so I still have hope for the rest of europe doing a better job