Anonymous ID: 15553e May 23, 2019, 6:40 p.m. No.6572138   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Search Youtube for "Tucker Carlson Tonight 5/21/19"

I'm trying to find Tucker's interview with Tristan Harris talking about "Downgrading Humans"


Neither the interview or the whole episode is searchable online!!!


Maybe there is something else in that episode, but here is the strange thing:

all episode of Tucker are usually easily available online, lots of cuts of various clips, etc. But absolutely nothing here. What does exist, though, are tons of clips that say they are "Tucker Carlson Tonight 5/21/19" and even show a number in the corner of being full-length, but click on them and they're 2 second blips of Tucker.

PROVE ME WRONG, but I think there is some fuckery going on!

Not sure if it was Tristan's interview or something else, but Tristan was clearly, bluntly, and directly saying that the entire model of the internet fucking sucks, is destroying humanity, and it's going to be overhauled.

Censorship motive???