Anonymous ID: 664023 May 23, 2019, 7:03 p.m. No.6572727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3086 >>3135 >>3248

So, Poland just published some WWII concentration camp figures, and they're a little short of one billion Jews dead…


Poland publishes Red Cross documents regarding 271,301 deaths in concentration camps during World War II (and other stories)


Many important stories are vying for my attention. I have a backlog of numerous links. However, many long-time readers will be interested to hear claims from Poland that the Red Cross counted the total number of deaths in concentration camps. Considering the volatility of the topic, this might get the blog taken down altogether, so be sure to save a backup copy of anything that interests you.



Oficjalne źródła z Międzynarodowego Czerwonego Krzyża dowodzą, że „holokaust” był żydowskim oszustwem.




że „holokaust” był żydowskim oszustwem.



Official sources from the International Red Cross prove that the Holocaust was a Jewish fraud.

Recently released documents, closed for years, show that the total number of deaths in “concentration camps” is only 271,301.

There were 6 million Jews dead: this claim is an ordinary fabrication *.

For many years, the Jews told the whole world that 6 million of them were systematically murdered in German “concentration camps” during World War II. Anyone questioning this claim is viciously denigrated as a hateful anti-Semite. Countries from all over the world sentenced people who questioned the claim about the murdered 6 million to prison.

Now the whole world can see a scanned image of the official document of the International Red Cross as proof that the so-called “Holocaust” never took place. Jews around the world deliberately lied in order to gain emotional and financial benefits for themselves. They committed a committed premeditated fraud on millions of people in the world!

“Holocaust” is the greatest lie ever said. Millions of dollars were paid to “survivors of the Holocaust” and their descendants for something that did not happen. This is a deliberate, criminal fraud on a scale so massive that it is almost inexplicable.

I appeal for the prosecution of individuals and groups who have established false lawsuits in order to obtain compensation for the Holocaust and financial rewards for damages for deliberate fraud in the courts. I call for the removal of mentions about the Holocaust in history textbooks and educational materials. I am calling for the removal of Holocaust Memorials around the world.

This deliberate fraud should have been detained for a long time, and those who brought it to justice for 60 years of virulent lies and financial fraud.

The actual assessment of the “Holocaust” by the Red Cross – There is no evidence of genocide

There is one study on the Jewish question in Europe during World War II, and the conditions in German concentration camps, almost unique in terms of integrity and objectivity, 3-volume Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross [ICRC] on its activities during World War II, Geneva 1948.

This comprehensive material from a completely neutral source, took into account and expanded the results of two previous works: Documents sur l’activité du CICR en faveur des civils détenus dans les camps de concentration en Allemagne 1939-1945 [Documents on the activities of the International Committee of the Red Cross for civilians in concentration camps in Germany 1939-1945] (Geneva, 1946), and Inter Arma Caritas: the Work of the ICRC during the Second World War (Geneve of the ICRC during World War II) (Geneva, 1947).

The team of authors from Frédéric Siordet at the head explained on the initial pages of the report that their object, in the tradition of the Red Cross, maintained strict political neutrality, and this is its great value.




Original Polish article





