Anonymous ID: 19d54f May 23, 2019, 7:48 p.m. No.6573837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3861 >>3994

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The best part is they don't think he'll do it.

As they inch closer

Panic sets in.

As panic sets in

They drift further from Russian collusion

And closer to impeachment.

What do you think "The Storm" is?

Are anons of storm?


The worst storms occur when two fronts meet.

This anon tends to believe "The Storm" is comprised of impeachment proceedings.

Why might I believe that?

Impeachment proceedings are the final step.

Impeachment cannot be reversed.

If they attempt and fail

> they will.

They will lose all power for all time.

Their house of cards will collapse.

Failure is not an option for them because failure results in complete exposure.

They have lost control of thr mockingbird media.

The general public

While aware of the lies told by the media

Still aren't aware, nor understand, what Project Mockingbird actually is.

Even if they read about it

They pass it off as a conspiracy theory

> conspiracy no more

Ironically, they believe the media lies to them.

> Cognitive dissonance

What happens when they realize they actually believe the same conspiracy theories that they have mocked, shunned and lambasted?

What happens when they realize they fell for it?

What happens when they break their programming?

> At some point it will not be safe for them to walk down the street.

Anonymous ID: 19d54f May 23, 2019, 7:49 p.m. No.6573861   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3874 >>3929 >>3994



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If they fail

> they will

94 - 96% of those still sleeping will suddenly wake up.

Wake up like someone put the powder from an MRE heating element in a cup with water and Tabasco sauce under thier bed.

They well be madder than hornets.

4 - 6% will break.

Riddle me this:

If they actually have damning evidence

Why haven't they played it?

I mean, actual evidence of impeachable behavior would surely mean they couldn't lose


So why have they delayed?

Fuck public support.

If the evidence is there

Even the most diehard supporters would surely turn away.


After all, aren't we logical thinkers?

This anon is betting that DeClass will quash any talk of impeachment.

They know this.

(YOU) know this.

Anonymous ID: 19d54f May 23, 2019, 7:49 p.m. No.6573874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3994



The problem is that they are running out of ammo.

They have nothing left to attack with.

What cards they are currently playing are exposing them further.

They know this.

At some point

They will have no option but to jump off the proverbial cliff knowing it will destroy them.

For this reason, I surmise that DeClass will not happen until NP calls for impeachment.

> you are watching a movie

> think GOT

How many anons watched the final season?

< personally, I hated every episode through the death of the night king as well as the finale.

< almost makes me wonder if a certain H_o EVP leaving for Anonymous Content had anything to do with the shitty ending?

> no coincidences

I digress…….

> think GOT

John Snow = Trump

What did John Snow do?

He wake up?

Was he finally able to see the evil behind the one who seeks power while declaring her actions noble because she is freeing people?

The slings and arrows are real.

Trump took a chance on (US) for US.

He knew the possible outcomes yet chose this path.

He will suffer impeachment proceedings.

He will win.

He will DeClass (technically, he already has)

Game Over.

God won long ago.

Are (YOU) ready?

Get (YOUR) house in order.

Turbulence expect.

Safe landing unstoppable.

Welcome to the future.