Anonymous ID: 1eca9f May 23, 2019, 8 p.m. No.6574056   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They spied because they needed to set them up for Russian madness.

The Russian madness scheme was planned all along.

Think logically - the syria gas attacks and other such antics were not a result of DJT being elected. They were already part of a plan that Hillary was supposed to be running.


If DJT lost (or whoever was running if DJT wasn't), then all of that would have still played out. There would still have been an investigation. Mueller would have gone away for Uranium One (Hillary was "free and clear" of that one, remember?) - and whoever was the unlucky bastard to be a losing campaign opponent against her would have very likely been charged with treason and crucified as part of a galvanizing effort to support a war against Russia - in which China would likely pearl harbor us with back-doors into our equipment and systems.


For globalist mindsets, this would not have been a "loss" - but a shackling of the U.S. and its population to a controlled globalist order.


I am not sure many anons truly understand what was being set up and why. This goes way beyond simple "I want to know what DJT's campaign strategy is."

At least - that is the only way their other actions regarding China and the like make any sense. They are stupid and insane, but not lacking in plots and purpose.