Anonymous ID: 7d080f May 23, 2019, 7:34 p.m. No.6573568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3616 >>3672

NOTE: Going to post these additively each time (in case I have Adjustments to the ones I'll have previously posted


>>6573459 Huckabee FOX. "They need to be worried." "Now they're reduced to howling at the moon."

>>6573445 Speaker Pelosi Backs Down on Impeachment Talk After President Trump Rips Her

>>6573376 Q3341 Assange is Key to Seth Rich Murder

>>6573316 Likely Optics: DOJ Accuses Assange of violating the Espionage Act


BAKER: Notables Bun I've collected

Anonymous ID: 7d080f May 23, 2019, 7:45 p.m. No.6573788   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NOTE: Going to post these additively each time (in case I have Adjustments to the ones I'll have previously posted



>>6573701 anon find: Seth Rich and Julian Assange coming to you this June. Right?

>>6573728 Lisa Mei Tweet: Big Web of Players

>>6573619 The Pentagon Creates Tech Giants and Then Buys their Services

>>6573539 FITTON: "Schiff, He should be out of Intel Committee"

>>6573459 Huckabee FOX. "They need to be worried." "Now they're reduced to howling at the moon."

>>6573445 Speaker Pelosi Backs Down on Impeachment Talk After President Trump Rips Her

>>6573376 Q3341 Assange is Key to Seth Rich Murder

>>6573316 Likely Optics: DOJ Accuses Assange of violating the Espionage Act


BAKER: Notables Bun I've collected

Notes: When you can breathe, adjust the line on the Q list to the longer version

Anonymous ID: 7d080f May 23, 2019, 7:56 p.m. No.6573994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4067



NOTE: Going to post these additively each time (in case I have Adjustments to the ones I'll have previously posted



>>6573948 Crazy twat on HRC if true

>>6573943 Schiff Panics: Accuses Trump of Cover-up With Declassification

>>6573909 Wikileaks Twat: Respond to Indictments

>>6573897 DJT RETWEET TOM FITTON: FBI refuses to search

>>6573837, >>6573861, >>6573874 anon thoughts in Three Parts

>>6573811 Obama dragnet on journalistic communication was broade

>>6573701 anon find: Seth Rich and Julian Assange coming to you this June. Right?

>>6573728 Lisa Mei Tweet: Big Web of Players

>>6573619 The Pentagon Creates Tech Giants and Then Buys their Services

>>6573539 FITTON: "Schiff, He should be out of Intel Committee"

>>6573459 Huckabee FOX. "They need to be worried." "Now they're reduced to howling at the moon."

>>6573445 Speaker Pelosi Backs Down on Impeachment Talk After President Trump Rips Her

>>6573376 Q3341 Assange is Key to Seth Rich Murder

>>6573316 Likely Optics: DOJ Accuses Assange of violating the Espionage Act


BAKER: Notables Bun I've collected

Notes: When you can breathe, adjust the line on the Q list to the longer version