Anonymous ID: 19d3ce May 23, 2019, 9:53 p.m. No.6575583   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Barrister misled court to block abuse trial, claims Tory MP


Cheryl Gillan alleges QC failed to disclose evidence to judge, blocking prosecution


A former cabinet minister has accused a barrister of deceiving a court to successfully block the prosecution of a headmaster who had been accused of sexually abusing five boys.


In a debate in the House of Commons on Wednesday, the Conservative MP Cheryl Gillan alleged that the QC, Andrew Bright, “gravely” misled the court while he was representing the headmaster.


Gillan alleged that the QC failed to disclose evidence to a judge who ruled that the headmaster, Peter Wright, would not be prosecuted for the offences.


The MP alleged that had this “hidden” evidence been disclosed, it would probably have undermined the attempt to have prosecution blocked.


A decade later, Wright was convicted in a related case of abusing five other boys while he was headmaster of Caldicott prep school in Buckinghamshire and jailed for eight years.


The allegation against Bright was made by Gillan in parliament, which means she is protected from being sued.


Bright now sits as a judge at St Albans. A spokesman for the judiciary said: “The Solicitors Regulation Authority conducted an independent investigation and rejected the complaint that the court had been misled. It maintained that conclusion after a review.”


Gillan, the MP for Chesham and Amersham, also alleged that a series of authorities – including the attorney general’s department, the crown prosecution service and legal regulators – did nothing to correct the failure to disclose the evidence.

Anonymous ID: 19d3ce May 23, 2019, 9:54 p.m. No.6575596   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rouhani accuses ‘Zionists’ of writing US officials’ anti-Iranian speeches


"Speeches they make against Iran are written by Zionists word by word."


The Iranian president has accused “Zionists” of writing the speeches that United States officials say when speaking out against Iran, according to a report by the Iranian Students’ News Agency.


"Speeches they make against Iran are written by Zionists word by word,” said Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in a talk Tuesday evening at the session of Administrative Council of West Azerbaijani Province. “Extremists, Zionists and reactionaries in the region are thinking for 40 years about the day the Islamic Republic of Iran fails, considering Iran as a great threat to their country and governments.”

Rouhani used his platform, according to the Students’ News Agency report, to threaten American President Donald Trump and ensure his audience that “when the greatest imperialist power in the world, which is the United States, is doing its best against us, the Islamic


Republic of Iran is the symbol of religion, dignity and independence against the power that is the symbol of blasphemy."

Anonymous ID: 19d3ce May 23, 2019, 9:56 p.m. No.6575615   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US should ‘guide’ Israel like a wayward friend, Buttigieg tells Jewish leaders


Democratic presidential hopeful says Palestinians don’t have necessarily leadership for peace, but Washington should not endorse wholesale everything Netanyahu government wants


WASHINGTON — Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg told Jewish leaders Thursday that the Palestinians don’t have the necessary leadership to be a partner for peace, but that the US should “guide” Israel to less destructive policies.


The South Bend, Indiana, mayor, a popular dark horse candidate in a crowded Democratic field, said he felt a sense of commitment to Israel’s security, but that his affection for Israel meant that he felt an obligation to challenge the current government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


“The way I think about our relationship with Israel … is in some ways the way I think about my relationship with the United States,” Buttigieg said, according to multiple people in the room. “As a loyal, patriotic American, I do not believe that means I have to be loyal to the political agenda of the current administration in Washington.”


The Democratic upstart candidate spoke with more than 40 prominent Jewish activists, organizational leaders and former government officials.


The event was hosted by Bluelight Strategies, a communications firm run by Democratic operatives Steve Rabinowitz and Aaron Keyak, as part of a series of frank, off-the-record conversations between 2020 Democratic candidates and the Jewish community.


Buttigieg, 37, implicitly dissed the approach of US President Donald Trump, who has acted simpatico with Jerusalem and has given Israel a number of diplomatic gifts, including moving the US embassy to Israel, recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and slashing aid to the Palestinians.

Anonymous ID: 19d3ce May 23, 2019, 10:15 p.m. No.6575740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5762 >>5858 >>6050 >>6062

President Trump Takes Late Night Shot at FBI Director Wray Following Declassification Order of Spygate Docs


President Trump is on a roll!


Shortly after President Trump authorized AG Barr to declassify Spygate documents, he turned his ire toward FBI Director Wray for stonewalling.


Judicial Watch boss Tom Fitton slammed FBI Director Wray Thursday evening for stonewalling a FOIA request for former FBI Deputy Director McCabe’s text messages.


“FBI refuses to search text messages under FOIA. Director Wray needs to step up and stop this stonewalling that protects corrupt former FBI officials Comey. McCabe, Page, Strzok….” Fitton said — and Trump agreed with him.


A former FBI agent is battling the Justice Department for Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s text messages and emails related to his involvement in the bureau’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private server.


Two weeks ago conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch filed a motion in the US District Court in the District of Columbia on behalf of retired FBI supervisory special agent Jeffrey Danik.


The FOIA lawsuit against the DOJ for McCabe’s text messages was filed two years ago but the FBI tried to get the FOIA thrown out, sending Judicial Watch back to court to fight for the requested documents.


It is a known fact that the FBI can produce McCabe’s text messages and emails.


Sara Carter pointed out that Inspector General Michael Horowitz made it clear these messages are stored and retained by ESOC.


“The FBI has the technological capability to search for and produce text messages,”according to the Inspector General. “The FBI, Enterprise Security Operations Center uses a commercial, off-the-shelf, automated application to wirelessly collect text messages sent to or from FBI-issued mobile devices.”


President Trump also took a shot at FBI Director Wray a couple weeks ago for covering for the Deep State and distancing himself from the term “spying.”

Anonymous ID: 19d3ce May 23, 2019, 10:58 p.m. No.6576010   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia IDs 20 Foreign Spy Jets Bordering Its Airspace Over Past Week


Russia detected 20 foreign airplanes while they were carrying out reconnaissance missions near the country's airspace, a weekly infographic by the Russian Armed Forces' official newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda showed on Friday.


According to the material, Russian jets have been scrambled three times over the past week to prevent foreign aircraft from crossing into the Russian airspace. There have been, however, no trespasses, the outlet reported.


Moscow has repeatedly condemned foreign military buildup near Russia’s borders, warning that the aggressive moves could provoke an escalation into a full-fledged military confrontation.


Meanwhile, tensions between NATO and Russia have been reportedly high due to the alliance's increased military manoeuvres in Europe, specifically near Russia's borders.


NATO has been justifying its enhanced activities by voicing the need to counteract the security threat allegedly posed by Russia. Russia has maintained that NATO's fears are unfounded.


Moreover, the US Air Force announced in March that it had deployed six nuclear-capable B-52 bombers to Europe for "theatre integration and flight training" with its NATO allies. The actions were promptly criticized by the Kremlin.

Anonymous ID: 19d3ce May 23, 2019, 11:10 p.m. No.6576080   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Euro-Atlantic Populist Wave


In 2016, the world began to change, with the Brexit referendum in the U.K. and the election of Donald Trump as U.S. president. In both cases, an insurrection of “regular people” against the structures of political and media power upset the political balance of two of the leading countries of the Western world.


And the revolt didn’t stop there. It continued in 2017 and 2018 with a series of elections across continental Europe that saw the growth of protest movements and candidates willing to challenge the system of globalization that until recently seemed inevitable.


The anti-establishment revolt that has spread across the Western world is closely linked to the gradual transformation of the economic structure of the nations on both sides of the Atlantic over a period of decades, from one focused principally on production, to a system based increasingly on finance.


Finance has always had a role, of course, and speculative bubbles have often led to crashes and depressions in various periods of history. The characteristic of the shift over the past half-century is that of a structural change that despite provoking a series of crises, has not been effectively addressed. The result has been a widespread increase in inequality, interlinked with stagnation or even a decrease of purchasing power and living standards for a considerable portion of the population. This doesn’t mean that people don’t have more stuff nowadays, due to new digital technologies for example, they do. But most have to work more now, with more uncertainty, to make a decent living.

Anonymous ID: 19d3ce May 23, 2019, 11:18 p.m. No.6576122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6258 >>6263 >>6309

Global paedophile ring bust leads to the rescue of 50 children amid fears of hundreds of abuse cases


A global police operation has rescued 50 children from an international paedophilia ring, following the arrest of multiple people – including one man based in Australia.

The International Criminal Police Organisation, Interpol, first started investigating the ring in 2017 after the discovery of online material showing the abuse of 11 boys, all under the age of 13.


Authorities allege the material surfaced on the darkweb through a subscription-based website with an audience of almost 63,000 people worldwide.


After surveillance involving authorities from Thailand, the USA, Bulgaria, New Zealand and Australia, the website’s main administrator, Montri Salangam, was arrested in November 2017 in Thailand.

Police allege material on the website showed Salangam abusing 11 boys – one of whom was his nephew – after he lured them to his home with food, internet access and football games.

Another man, Ruecha Tokputza, was also arrested in Adelaide before 251 pornographic videos and 415 videos were found on his phone, with some showing him as the main abuser.


Tokputza’s youngest victim was just 15 months old. It is believed he also removed one child's nappy and abused another while he slept.