Anonymous ID: 55b530 May 23, 2019, 11:55 p.m. No.6576255   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6266


>And the lawyer is the one who does the real work

is that a joke?

Maybe I don't understand this process…

I'm just a guy who's been fixing up houses for the last twelve years and I'm trying to figure out how I went broke in the process…

Seriously.., I'm making more money meming for free here. Sadly, that's not a joke…

Anonymous ID: 55b530 May 24, 2019, 12:31 a.m. No.6576352   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6369 >>6377


>You should charge moar for the houses that you fix up or pay less for them before you fix them up.

That's cute. You think I'm buying the homes for myself. See. When you're broke.., you don't have that kind of money to buy houses. So you have to do work for other people.., who are supposed to pay you for your work… But there was this thing called the market "crash", along with another thing called the opium "epidemic", which kind of had an effect on a lot of the people in the field where I was working. Ya know, from the back-breaking work… So, I would do work for people who said they were going to pay me, yet often they would only come back with stories or problems… That is if they didn't steal my tools and never return to the job-site…


I don't take pills. Actually, I tried to warn people along time ago about the dangers of said pills, when I tried to explain how beneficial medical marijuana was. That's when they through me in jail, told me I was crazy, and called me an addict. . . Then proceeded to pass a law allowing other people to legally use and grow weed… Many of whom had work for guys like myself to do. Renovating houses and such. Only many of them had problems paying me, as well… I didn't always work in the home improvement business. Actually, I had a decent job before I got sent to jail for a half of joint. Somehow, the lawyers I dealt with cost a lot of money, and did absolutely no work…


Point is.., anytime y'all wanna Make America Great Again, feel free… 'Cause this anon hasn't really experienced anything great yet in my life.., and I'm really hoping their suicide week comes before mine. . . At the rate we're going.., it's not looking good.., considering the billionaire President is asking me for donations, right now. . . And I'm not too quite sure how to tell him, but I made about $2,000 last year, and I'll be surprised if I make it to 2020 to cast my vote… But that's just me.