Anonymous ID: 94e226 May 23, 2019, 10:56 p.m. No.6575999   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Cabal's agents (who are everywhere) are each given a different playbook so that the Cabal is "everywhere" and covers all their bases.


[They] might pretend to love Trump but dismiss Q. Or [they] might pretend to love Q but preach hate to gay people. So the Cabal has an agent for every occasion, ready and waiting.


Then I got tot thinking about James Woods, who was very cagey about the whole Q thing, even though a smart guy like that should have been able to figure it out.


Then I remember he also hated Bitcoin. James Woods celebrated when Bitcoin crashed, which seemed really weird to me at the time. Why gloat over the financial losses of people who just want freedom through the promise of a freed currency? Now I think it was just part of [his] playbook. James Woods is probably a traitor.