Anonymous ID: 06ba0e May 24, 2019, 12:36 a.m. No.6576368   🗄️.is 🔗kun

some interesting points with NIXZVM Nancy Salzam and her husband Dr. Salzam's background

there are ties to where Dr Salzam graduated from linking drug cartels the cia oh and it was founded by a NAZI…..

AFA 15 "Relationship between fascist elements of U.S. intelligence, the Autonomous University of Guadalajara (Mexico), the Latin American Branch of the former World Anti-Communist League, and the formation and operation of Latin American Death Squads, operating under the banner of the "White Hand." Following the 1954 CIA-backed coup that overthrew Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala, utilizing CAL (WACL's Latin American affiliate), elements of the CIA midwived the formation of the terror apparatus that sewed death and destruction in Guatemala and other Latin American countries in succeeding decades." ""Some observers suspect that the Tecos recently eliminated at least one well-known person for personal reasons. In April 1984, Manuel Buendia, Mexico's foremost investigative journalist, wrote a three-part series exposing 'Los Tecos,' their secret code of honor, and their control of the Autonomous University of Guadalajara." "The Tecos became involved with the League in the 1970s around the same time that the Tecos-dominated Autonomous University of Guadalajara (UAG, a college that was founded by Cuesta Gallardo in 1935) began to take off. "By 1975, the Autonomous University of Guadalajara had a budget of ten million dollars, in what Vice-Dean Antonio Leano, a high-ranking Teco, called a 'miracle' of American and Mexican philanthropy. That miracle was the result of the funds provided by the U.S. government through the Agency for International Development (AID) and American philanthropic foundations. Between 1964 and1974, they had bestowed nearly twenty million dollars in grants to the Tecos' university. "In all probability, some of the foundation and government officials responsible for clearing the grants to the university were not aware that it was dominated by the Tecos. Yet it is a rather glaring oversight. Within the various university departments could be found most of the Tecos' top leaders, men responsible for previously delivering scathing attacks on the Vatican, Judaism, and, in fact, the United States.. "With the influx of American financial assistance, the Tecos at the Guadalajara campus were able to finance their nonacademic programs. According to a Mexican political analyst who infiltrated the Tecos and attended their secret meetings, the grants and scholarship funds received from the United States were laundered through the university for Teco use. ."Their political activities were many. In addition to furthering their ties with neo-Nazis in Europe and South America and subsidizing the publication of their anti-Semitic magazine, Replica, the Tecos also now had the funds to establish political front groups, such as FEMACO (Mexican Anti-Communist Federation) and the IACCD (Inter-American Confederation of Continual Defense), to serve as liaisons to right-wing death squads; they became part of the World Anti-Communist League in 1972. Last note of interest the founder of Autonomous University of Guadalajara was Carlos Cuesta Gallardo, the creator of the modem-day Tecos, spent World War II in Berlin. His exact role or function there is unknown. Some say he was a secretary to Hitler; others say he was a confidant of Alfred Rosenberg, the Nazi ideologue who formulated the German anti-Jewish policy and who was executed at Nuremberg.