Anonymous ID: 34a85a May 24, 2019, 12:49 a.m. No.6576400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6407 >>6440 >>6827



Is this the 'new baker practicing"? Looks good, new baker. One suggestion: if there's a jpeg, ask for repost with a png or add your own if the poster does not type in the twitter text. I won't pick up your handoff because I can't stay long but will post a png for the WRWY POTUS text and a new pastebin.


Thanks for taking the last bake!


You know how to ghost the bread if there's no pickup? (Could always go back and see LB, where I ghosted it.)

Anonymous ID: 34a85a May 24, 2019, 1:20 a.m. No.6576490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6512

For Ghost Bake, there are usually a couple of posts



Baker seeking handoff, hard stop

If no takers, Ghost Bake in ~10 mins



Baker departing the kitchen

GHOST BAKE now in effect

Thanks for your efforts, anons! Plz step up, note-taker or call out notables for next baker (new)


Link 2nd post to all previous baker handoff requests, so it's findable



Hope that helps. Thx again for stepping up. Welcome to LIVE baking!

Anonymous ID: 34a85a May 24, 2019, 1:58 a.m. No.6576589   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Another ghost bake example, noice….

I'm not baking but collecting a few notes before leaving because ResignationAnon posted and I wanted to make sure those posts got into notes. Will drop them in a few for next baker, probable ETA about 1-2 hours.

Anonymous ID: 34a85a May 24, 2019, 2:09 a.m. No.6576622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6623



I've been meaning to give sleep a try, but need to catch up on baking instead. Kek. (just note-taking now, tho, hope to escape to dreamland soon).

Whenever you wanna bake, we're here. Get plenty of sleep and come bake with us. New bakers greatly appreciated.

Anonymous ID: 34a85a May 24, 2019, 2:27 a.m. No.6576688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6704 >>6706



GHOST BAKE continues

Updated pastebin (per this off-duty baker:


Notes for baker @270

>>6576346 Satellite business war in the upper atmosphere?

>>6576472, >>6576545, >>6576556, >>6576582 Krassenstein bros get PERMANENLY banned from Twitter for" fake accts & purchasing acct interactions" (or is it harassment?)

>>6576548, >>6576549, >>6576550 Resignations in the news 5/23/19

>>6576551 Anon summary of why Barr gets to declassify intel

>>6576625, >>6576631, >>6576632, >>6576658 BREAKING: Theresa May says she will quit as Tory leader on June 7th

>>6576632 Huawei Chairman Says U.S. Is Attacking It, Because NSA Can’t Use Firm’s Equipment for Spying

>>6576651 Wakey Wakey, UK votes to change politics for good


Anons, plz continue collecting notes for baker

HISTORIC news night for UK, right on the eve of DECLAS, FISA revelations

Anonymous ID: 34a85a May 24, 2019, 2:31 a.m. No.6576706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6715 >>6955


corrected bad link in notes


GHOST BAKE continues

Updated pastebin (per this off-duty baker: )


Notes for baker @270

>>6576346 Satellite business war in the upper atmosphere?

>>6576472, >>6576545, >>6576556, >>6576582 Krassenstein bros get PERMANENLY banned from Twitter for" fake accts & purchasing acct interactions" (or is it harassment?)

>>6576548, >>6576549, >>6576550 Resignations in the news 5/23/19

>>6576551 Anon summary of why Barr gets to declassify intel

>>6576625, >>6576631, >>6576632, >>6576658 BREAKING: Theresa May says she will quit as Tory leader on June 7th

>>6576646 Huawei Chairman Says U.S. Is Attacking It, Because NSA Can’t Use Firm’s Equipment for Spying

>>6576651 Wakey Wakey, UK votes to change politics for good

Anonymous ID: 34a85a May 24, 2019, 2:46 a.m. No.6576742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7026 >>7106

''Great news, chekk it out''


European elections polls: Brexit Party forecast to win the most votes

With the public having voted in the European Parliament elections on Thursday, the last polls (taken before voting day) show that Nigel Farage's Brexit Party was likely to gain the most votes in the UK.


Although the vote took place in the UK on Thursday, the results are not expected until Sunday evening due to most other EU member states casting their votes that day.


The Conservatives are on course for their lowest ever share of the vote in a nationwide ballot and could even slip into fifth place behind the Greens.


Establishment parties are expected to suffer across the EU, both at the hands of the populist-Right as well as resurgent liberal parties.

Anonymous ID: 34a85a May 24, 2019, 3:59 a.m. No.6576979   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is GHOST BAKE. I was helping new baker with some stuff and then stuck around to take notes after ResignationAnon posted….then Theresa May quit, too juicy to pass up…stopped an hour ago, but couldn't sleep for the news. So feel free to bake away.

Anonymous ID: 34a85a May 24, 2019, 4:17 a.m. No.6577026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7030 >>7065


Didn't hear back right away so I thought I'd also grab a few from the dough, here is original list I did (the upper part) plus some additional ideas, your choice. GY


Notes for baker @270 plus addons

>>6576346 Satellite business war in the upper atmosphere?

>>6576472, >>6576545, >>6576556, >>6576582 Krassenstein bros get PERMANENLY banned from Twitter for" fake accts & purchasing acct interactions" (or is it harassment?)

>>6576548, >>6576549, >>6576550 Resignations in the news 5/23/19

>>6576551 Anon summary of why Barr gets to declassify intel

>>6576610, >>6576625, >>6576631, >>6576632, >>6576658 BREAKING: Theresa May says she will quit as Tory leader on June 7th

>>6576646 Huawei Chairman Says U.S. Is Attacking It, Because NSA Can’t Use Firm’s Equipment for Spying

>>6576651 Wakey Wakey, UK votes to change politics for good


>>6576610, >>6576731, >>6576934 Planefag reports

>>6576742 European elections polls: Brexit Party forecast to win the most votes

>>6576782 NXIVM Sex Cult Story Keeps Getting Moar Disturbing

>>6576805 Blast rocks mosque in Pakistan during Friday prayers, casualties reported

>>6576816 Six children taken to hospital after 'serious incident' at home in UK

>>6576828 EU election day chaos as British expats can't vote due to forms arriving late

>>6576845 JA hit with 17 new charges under Espionage Act