Anonymous ID: b384a4 May 24, 2019, 2:21 a.m. No.6576667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6718



>No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act


PLUS: "or on Confession in open Court."


Mug's game (because mugs always play games):


Prime scenario: the individual(s) guilty of treason (in fact). Evidence presented, evidence promised, evidence imagined. The guilty know what they know and do not know what they do not know. Pressure. Make a deal. Deal rejected. Facing strongest hand. Confession induced wrapped in tangled web of deceptions.


Sometimes confession is more valuable when inferred from smaller and seemingly less valuable concessions under questioning. Cross reference across the universe of individuals suspected, known, complicit of treason.


Note, treasonous acts v treasonous "intent".


If no deal, no confession, no way out, then, nothing to lose in facing trial. Facing trial under declarations of innocence for the history books. Truth is that the prosecution of key cabal members will depend on public accounting – both sides – in open court. Need cases before Judge and Jury to validate the existence of the cabal. Accusations not enough. Deals not enough. Declassification not enough.


The most defiant of the guilty will not only maintain innocence but explain how their treasonous acts and intent are really for the good of the country and t[heir] followers. Cabal will not be disappeared, with a few convictions, and so their [cause] will be passed on to potential cabal wannabes.


Two witnesses. Plus.

Witnesses plus confession(s).

In total, confessions, convictions, contempt, concert of birds singing for lesser crimes.


The high mark of high treason?

A map of the cabal.


Learn to play the game. This is not a game.


Allspeed Anons.

Anonymous ID: b384a4 May 24, 2019, 2:36 a.m. No.6576718   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Also: think of drug cartels as a model for the cabal. (Not 1:1 but general model.) Think Escobar.


Who eventually provided the decisive intel and resources for the end of Escobar? Competitors.


The existence of the cabal will not be disappeared. The power grab will be made amongst fellow grabbers. Inevitable.


But how valuable for the general public to become aware, to become convinced, to become ready to combat the continuation of the cabal under its new ownership? Long game.


Also: when organized crime found new crimes/revenue sources, it has always found routes to becoming "legit" via the corridors of political and economic power. Always. Like water finding a path. Laws of nature, law of gravity, the context for the laws of Man, which in turn provides context for the principles of Rule of Law.


Bending the appearance of Rule of Law does not replace the laws but corrupts Law (and order). There is "order" even where there is corruption, but at what cost. To whose benefit. To what end?


Hence the Rule of Law as both concept and practice is very, very, very valuable – and so attacking it for the sake of benefits can reap great advantage with little or no risk. Protection of the Rule of Law requires raising the risks to those who will attack it. Inevitable.