Anonymous ID: c7599b May 24, 2019, 3:28 a.m. No.6576860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6880

>Sanders people including Seth Rich behind the DNC """hack""" which we know was onsite, not via the internet due to size of the data coupled with the time it took.

>Sanders raises a shitload of money, then out of the blue cucks out in favor of the Hildabeast.


They the Clintonistas, found out what was done, and were using that as leverage against him. Holding the threat of prosecution or whatever. He knuckled under.


fuck Sanders for the filthy commie he is but it seemed odd that someone in a position of strength, as he was at the time, would kowtow so quickly.


It just now clicked.

Don't know if that's already been noticed, if it has over the past couple years and I missed it, I guess this could be considered a reminder.