Anonymous ID: e14d6b May 24, 2019, 1:40 a.m. No.6576541   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6701


Why stop? This was dropped yesterday. Enough diggs for a week.



first and 10 on the 40

110 on the 40

110 N Marina drive.

Now look at a map of the bay.

Do you see it?

Do you see the 40?

110 N Marina Dr is Ballast Point's address.

Who owns ballast point?

Where are they located?

Who owns the Corporation?



Connections to HRC?

VERY early donors. Senate campaign.

The owning brothers have some interesting connections.

One's wife worked for Harris Beach, which was one of the law firms in clare bronfman's warchest, and is also tightly tied to NXIVM.

One's a donor to Pencils of Promise.

What exactly is a pencil? What do we know about how these NFPs operate?

Same brother is 'in care of' the Hesperus Masonic Lodge 837.

Guess who they hired as a lobbyist? PODESTA (Invarient)

Where are their MAJOR operations located?

How did they acquire these operations?

BIGGEST BEER DEAL EVER = monopoly = Pay to Play

In return for approval HRC's "sandy" swamp friends get control of US distribution.

Mariasun married a bush acolyte. This accolyte and Texas Railroads?

What about the brewery locations? Siemens, Owens-Illinois partnership?

What do these locations need?

Limestone, Dolomite, Soda Ash, Silica Sands (cemex?)

Grain, yeastโ€ฆ


Are their locations strategic for water?

no. not at all.

CCC brought in to help with aquaducts.


Makes the world go round.


With such strategic locations, on rail lines, aiding in trafficking?

What about cartel ops in these regions? do they impact business operations?

What cartels are located here? Sinaloa on one (new), Gulf/Zetas on the other.

Who chooses the bosses of cartels?

Salinas. Election year scandal. His own words.

Salinas to Slim?

Slim to HRC/CF?

Mexican local pols near beer, connected to Salinas? (yes).

As the Eagle Passes, Union Pacific reigns. Whats their role if at all?

There's more here. Need to dig.

Qs picture highlights Alamitos Bay, with a major swamp operation located right in the middle.

So why is the Long Beach area so important?

Why is Mexico so important? Why a wall?

Invasion. Treason. 16 year plan.

Actual Treason. Aiding an outside force to invade and disrupt/destroy the US.

Anonymous ID: e14d6b May 24, 2019, 3:21 a.m. No.6576833   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6839


Had a yuge post with answers to that HelperAnonpost and my puter crashed- all gone!

Maybe try a re-do later but for now, shovel is put up cuz computers suck.


Mariasun is the heiress. Was once married to a 'Zapata' which brings in Bush, Soros, Rockefeller. She's the 2nd-most wealthy bitch in MX.


The distribution: Used to own a craft brewery which is why this dig peaked interest. Alcohol distribution is insane- all locked up and the little guy can't make a buck cuz the distributor eats it all and no beer will be sold without them. AMBEV is the culprit and octopus in the beer here.

AMBEV merged / bought the Mexican brewery in what was a bullshit anti-trust suit brought by DOJ.

HelperAnon also said that the 'trafficking operation' is in the middle of this marina. Has a subterranean entry. Expanded to say it's MGLEV.

^^^YUGE and a monsterous dig!

Keep going, Anon!

Anonymous ID: e14d6b May 24, 2019, 3:53 a.m. No.6576963   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6975


>Already doxed every Q youtuber All of patroits Soapbox 2 discords Have taken over admin role on voatYou people are fucking stupid

How CUTE! You spend your life on the internet of unreality and believe you are doing something for reals! It's ok, faggot. It's good practice for when you're able to go out in to the real world and do real things. Good luck!


Anonymous ID: e14d6b May 24, 2019, 4:02 a.m. No.6576985   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

>>6576975It's so sad that, although you spend all your time being an internet warrior and badass, that you are so empty you must lash out at Anons you don't know. Anons innerstand that you don't get out much and feel your pain in your ability to seek human companionship outside of your unreality. Again, Good luck to you!