Anonymous ID: f96c9b May 24, 2019, 1:36 a.m. No.6576528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6562 >>6665 >>6689

Been dealing with a personal shill.

Some background:

'Anon' has a facebook account. Set to public because there is someone(s) I am leaving information for and don't want to have it widely known they associate with me. Their position is more vulnerable to optics than my own. Far more, actually.


Anyway - so, I will occasionally post on articles and whatnot that cross my feed, because at heart - people being wrong on my internet is sufficient motivation for me to go have some fun.

Apparently, I hit a home run. Someone followed me back to my profile from a comment I made and has been going absolutely apeshit over things I've put on my profile.

I was in need of an example and had recently stated my need for one - so this turn of events was quite fortuitous. Dude even went so far as to start calling me via the messenger app and trying to suggest I was going to be the next mass shooter.


Which… If I did actually decide to go shoot someone, I am sure prosecutors would find the relationship between his telling me to kill people and my action of doing so worth looking into. So stupid shill is stupid.


Anyway, amid his tantric fits of attempts to insult me, he declared that his job is in social media. No idea if it is true - but you never know. (apparently, british people live on social media and how many likes or dislikes you get is some kind of currency - he hasn't volunteered he is British, yet, but he just went active after a downtime several hours ago, and believes threatening people with reporting them to be institutionalized is some kind of threat - plus, he has a familiar insult prose/pattern that I have encountered among the British left more frequently).


THEN he tried to round up some friends for a group-mockery session.

That seems to not have worked as well, as his friends had real jobs or started to get uncomfortable with the fact I was fully prepared for them to show up and was more enthralled by their arrival than they were by encountering "insane" people.


But time will tell - their new day is yet young.


It is curious to note that his main line of attack is focused on the fact I "only" have 80 friends on facebook and that "none of them like" my posts. He kept trying to insert the idea that my friends all thought I was insane and were even conspiring against me.

It is worth noting that this was after suggesting I was mentally unstable and would be the next mass shooter.


See where I am going?


They are at the bottom of the barrel and are looking for people they can try to trigger to violent action. Or he is just insane and evil - but I suppose that's not much of a distinction.


Stay comfy out there.

Anonymous ID: f96c9b May 24, 2019, 1:41 a.m. No.6576546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6577


I don't think that is it.

Barr is the AG and presides over active investigations.

Coats is not, and does not have access to ongoing investigations.

He would have no idea what would or wouldn't damage or potentially foil investigations.


Or - this facet is something that others were hoping to use to file an injunction to stop the declass.

Anonymous ID: f96c9b May 24, 2019, 4:13 a.m. No.6577014   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"define leverage"


Madeline Albright: "Madeline's War"

Nearly all Eastern European nobility is linked by one maternal tribe, and by extension - most of Europe's lines.


Best as I can assess. My autism isn't quite strong enough to go person by person and web it all out.

Not saying they are bad… I actually am of the opinion they are good. Melania, I believe, would be related to this line, if not a direct descendant somewhere and somehow.

Anonymous ID: f96c9b May 24, 2019, 4:17 a.m. No.6577023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7143


The pawn is often the most powerful piece because no one is going to move a knight, rook, bishop, or queen into threat to take a pawn.

Unless you're a computer… Then you'll just crush the possibilities to an unavoidable outcome no matter what the hell a piece is normally valued. Assuming you can compute states that far in advance and can prune all the move branching.

Anonymous ID: f96c9b May 24, 2019, 4:32 a.m. No.6577051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7062 >>7094


Trolling is fun.


It's important to keep in mind that we are fighting an organization that exists outside of government. You can replace everyone in government with good people, right now, and the result will be a full spectrum war.


The deep state has to believe they can play the game. The other-than-government backers of the deep state need to believe they have an angle. Otherwise they will entrench using their various methods and resources to fight a government that has broken free of their control.


All of this time, even though they have been in a panic, they have believed they could score a win in the end. Or, perhaps it is better to say that they know their only chance existed in convincing the non-government entities that they could pull off a win.


The deep state is just a "handle" for other powers to turn. If those handles have no possibility of working, then they will be abandoned.

Anonymous ID: f96c9b May 24, 2019, 4:51 a.m. No.6577114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7222


I'm just outlining a general philosophy. My autism isn't strong enough to sort through all of their actions, histories, and relationships to profile each one and give a detailed explanation of why.


The other thing is, too, that we are looking through layers of deception. The media loves to tell us all about someone and put ideas in our head - when they are basically abusing circumstance or inserting creative narrative.


Kind of like how Mueller was supposed to be this gallant effort against Trump. Even Ben Garrison seemed to be deceived by it - although sometimes you need to play to expectations of your fans/customers, so maybe Ben saw through it.


It's hard to know what is going on up there because so much of what we see is all going through the media spin machine. They have every reason to try and twist it to look as if the world is against the insanity of the tangerine tyrant and that he is embattled with his administration.


Mattis may have been bad. He may have simply been a well intentioned fool too dedicated to prior opinions to see the bigger picture. There was a time where I was so convinced one thing or another was the real problem that I couldn't see beyond them. I was, therefore, useful for some things but would have been unwilling to perform outside of those tasks - or what I thought to be against those goals.


Hard to say. Everyone can have a pedantic breakdown when their expectations do not meet reality. I tend to think he was expecting a fire and fury campaign of military stomping parties across the middle east - and he was told that wasn't called for, and he was dismissed.

There may have been worse things going on. There may not. I have a limited amount of evidence to view and I know there is much more.