Anonymous ID: a01c74 June 20, 2019, 2:18 a.m. No.6796881   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Could this be any more fake?


I don't know why the Aussie Cabal Media wants to paint this policeman as a hero, but this totally staged tackle is so fake it's funny.


The plain clothes cop was supposedly in the midst of a TV interview when a "criminal" just HAPPENS to run past him.


The cop decides without hesitation to tackle this thug (who the cop instantly concluded had done something bad to a lady somewhere far away). The rather large thug then cowers once he's on the ground, even though, presumably, he's got no idea that it's a cop in plain clothes who just tackled him, and nobody's brandishing any weapons. The thug doesn't even try to get up once he's down.


The Satanists are falling apart, I tell you.


Good for a laugh at how pathetic Aussie media really is.