Anonymous ID: 02f0cc May 24, 2019, 5:46 a.m. No.6577315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7322 >>7333 >>7335 >>7336 >>7340 >>7360 >>7373 >>7470 >>7693 >>7732 >>7883 >>7893 >>7919

Krassenstein bros respond


OP-ED: Krassensteins Respond to Twitter Suspension – by the Krassenstein Brothers



The first thing that went through our heads was that ‘this is some sort of mistake,’ so we contacted our main press contact at Twitter to inquire. All that the friendly woman was able to provide us with was their official press statement that had already been sent to other press outlets such as The Daily Beast and Fox News. It read as follows:


“The Twitter Rules to apply to everyone. Operating multiple fake accounts and purchasing account interactions are strictly prohibited. Engaging in these behaviors will result in permanent suspension from the service.”

The problem with these statements is that we never did any of this. We never “purchased account interactions,” nor did we ever “sell usernames” or buy usernames. We did operate multiple accounts, but there were only a few of them and they were not used to “mislead” or “manipulate Twitter.” If Twitter investigated this thoroughly they would clearly see this.


This is what we DID do:


  1. We, or immediate family members and/or business partners operated multiple Twitter accounts in a 100% non-manipulative or misleading way. These, however, ONLY included @EdKrassen, which is Ed Krassenstein’s personal account; @Krassenstein, which is Brian Krassenstein’s personal account; @KrassenCast, which is the official KrassenCasts podcast account; and two additional accounts: @kstein2020 & @FrankKern20, both of which were used specifically to track threatening tweets by others, targeted at us and/or our families (more on this below).


  1. In addition to this, we have run other Twitter accounts in the past for various businesses and projects, which we have not logged into for years. None of them were misleading or manipulative in any way. There was one Twitter account used named “Impeach Donald Trump” but we had deactivated it well prior to the suspension, and it was never used to deceive, mislead, or manipulate.


  1. We NEVER, and we want to make this as clear as day, ever bought or sold ANY Twitter accounts or interactions. We swear on our graves that this is 100% true.

The two Twitter accounts mentioned above (@kstein2020 @FrankKern20) were old accounts. One was 12 years old and was an account we had used to tweet about an old Android video game system called the OUYA when we ran a news site about the system. The other account was 2 years old and one of us used it on our phones to track threats that people who had blocked our personal and business accounts were making toward us and our families. The FBI is aware of these threats.

Anonymous ID: 02f0cc May 24, 2019, 6:23 a.m. No.6577446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7530 >>7780


I spent 4 hard months digging and learning the truth because I yearned to know. I cried at times about the things I'd learned. My experience was religious…in a sense. The people who remain asleep will have as much difficulty in transitioning to the narrarative of truth and light. They have to be led, not forced. Conversion is a choice. The information must enter the public discourse in due form and fashion, following the legal requirements of our culture. Remember, this change is bigger than Hillary, et al, Global changes must occur naturally. Look at the wins in recent elections around the world. People are waking up. The deception is deepest in America, with the constant programming for decades…hell, we invented "programming". Peace, Anon.