>We like a brand, Torke, made in Sheboygan WI
We like a brand, Toke, made in Beaver Falls, OR.
>We like a brand, Torke, made in Sheboygan WI
We like a brand, Toke, made in Beaver Falls, OR.
>Isn't it up to AG Barr?
He's already said he doesn't care either way.
It's between Mueller and Congress and he's not going to interfere.
One of the clickbaits I read about in the past centered on biology.
Docs can get in trouble by talking to them in terms of their real sex.
Like it's a no-no to tell a dude that calls himself a lady that he can't have a pap smear, etc…
>Yeah, I can only see half the images being posted.
Same here - images load minutes later or not at all.
What's wild is that when I hover over someone's reply to a post,
the images are visible while still not loaded on the original post.
Not so much as in the past - moar into morning Kratom nowadays.
But, Torke-Toke too good to pass up.