Anonymous ID: d43950 May 24, 2019, 7:02 a.m. No.6577644   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7671



Spy Operation on Trump requested by Obama IN PERSON on Aug 28, 2016 renewal request by Susan Rice (Obama National Security Advisor) on Nov 17, 2016 GCHQ = UK Intel Agency confirms 100% my Bruce Ohr LEAK


  1. close-up #1 of the GCHQ document: please take note of the letter date - Nov. 17, 2016 just 9 days after Trump election and the name of the recipient: UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson Project FULSOME = Spy Operation on Trump


"On 28 August 2016, GCHQ filed for permission to execute Project FULSOME at the request of the US President" the request to GCHQ to SPY on Trump came directly from then 'President' Barack Hussein Obama. close-up #2 of the GCHQ document:


Obama made a trip to the UK a few months before, April 21-24, 2016. in April 2016 the nomination of Trump as Republican candidate was certain.5. Did Obama meet with GCHQ Director Hannigan and with UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson to discuss the SPY Operation on Trump? You bet!


  1. Notice the date of Obama's trip to the UK: April 21-24, 2016. two months before the Brexit vote. image: Obama with then UK Prime Minister James Cameron at 10, Downing Street


  1. back to GCHQ: "On 28 August 2016, GCHQ filed for permission to execute Project FULSOME at the request of the US President, seeking intelligence gathering into the Trump Organization and Donald J. Trump for President, Inc."


  1. this nails down Barack Hussein Obama, it will lead to his indictment, conviction for TREASON and Seditious Conspiracy, and declare him an enemy combatant. Sentence will be DEATH PENALTY. no escape.9. "US National Security Advisor Susan Rice has requested that we continue our surveillance, during the transition period" Susan Rice is done, too. TREASON and Seditious Conspiracy.


  1. as you can see, the document is signed by Robert Hannigan, Director of GCHQ. Hannigan resigned from GCHQ on Jan. 23, 2017. just 3 days after Trump inauguration. coincidence?11. "GCHQ would only say that Mr Hannigan had left his post for 'personal reasons' and that he was not sacked or subject to disciplinary proceedings" oh, yeah! link: "In a letter to the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, Mr Hannigan hinted that the strain placed on his family by his job had prompted his resignation." certainly! UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson authorized the SPYING on Trump.


  1. Notice the date of the GCHQ letter authorizing the renewal of the Spy Operation against President Trump: Nov. 17, 2016. just 9 days after Trump's victory what else happens on that fateful date?


On Nov. 17 2016, NSA Director Mike Rogers travels to New York to meet with President-Elect Donald Trump.


We know that NSA Director Mike Rogers informed Trump that he was spied on. Surely the NSA intercepted the GCHQ letter, and Admiral Rogers gave it to Trump.


  1. Later on that day, Nov. 17, Trump moves away from the Trump Tower, to a more secure location: "President-elect Donald Trump is moving the transition meetings from Trump Tower in New York to Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey" link:


  1. The DeepState is scared. 2 days later, on Nov. 19 2016, under CIA Director John Brennan's orders, DNI Director James Clapper and Defense Secretary Ash Carter officially ask for the firing of NSA Director Mike Rogers. "The decision by NSA Director Mike Rogers to meet with Trump on Nov. 17, without notifying superiors, caused consternation at senior levels of the Obama Administration" you bet! translation: consternation = s****ing in their pants.19. NSA Director Mike Rogers disrupted the Obama's Spy Operation on Trump20. NSA Director Mike Rogers retained his position and was not removed, for some reasons that have never been revealed. remember: it was the Transition period. Trump had already been elected President. Admiral Mike Rogers is a Patriot and a HERO.21. on March 4 2017, Trump Tweets: "Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory." Trump KNEW. Now we know how he knewโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: d43950 May 24, 2019, 7:06 a.m. No.6577671   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7734



  1. "The decision by NSA Director Mike Rogers to meet with Trump on Nov. 17, without notifying superiors, caused consternation at senior levels of the Obama Administration" you bet! translation: consternation = s****ing in their pants.19. NSA Director Mike Rogers disrupted the Obama's Spy Operation on Trump20. NSA Director Mike Rogers retained his position and was not removed, for some reasons that have never been revealed. remember: it was the Transition period. Trump had already been elected President. Admiral Mike Rogers is a Patriot and a HERO.21. on March 4 2017, Trump Tweets: "Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory." Trump KNEW. Now we know how he knew.


  1. Priceless!! Trump is trolling the DeepState with his tweet. DeepState is scared.


  1. back to GCHQ. remember Christopher Steele? the infamous author of the FAKE Steele dossier, which is at the heart of the FISA applications? he was a former MI6 spy. GCHQ and MI6 are both UK Intel Agencies closely connected - sort of "Revolving doors" between the two.


  1. remember Stefan Halper? Halper is closely connected with MI6, and with the CIA. Think John Brennan25. Stephan Halper is a good friend of former CIA Director John Brennan, and connected with the UK private Intelligence agency Hakluyt photo of John Brennan at Hakluyt New York office - Jan 17, 2018:


  1. Hakluyt is a private British Intel Agency. "It was founded by former MI6 members and retains close ties to UK Intelligence services"27. Halper was paid US$ 411,575 by the Obama Admin. well, quite a good amount of money. yes -taxpayer money, your money! starting in Sept 2016 link:FBI Informant Stefan Halper Paid Over $1 Million By Obama Admin; Spied On Trump Aide After Election Let's tie all this with Bruce Ohr testimony: Bruce Ohr confirmed that Comey traveled to the UK to spy on Donald Trump. (to meet with GCHQ, Hakluyt, Halper?) Comey traveled to the UK with two Obama White House officials. Susan Rice?


  1. related link to my "Bruce Ohr LEAKS" [Thread] of Sept 4:30. Source says that Bruce Ohr mentioned Stephan Halper three times. "Contract work was his exact wording." Bruce Ohr said that the data of the Fusion GPS servers have been handed over to White House


  1. related link to my "Bruce Ohr LEAKS" [Thread] of Sept. 4:THREAD32. Source: "The Intelligence Services of UK and Australia are heavily involved." The Intel Agencies of the UK are GCHQ and MI6 Source: "Well the horse's mouth (Bruce Ohr) has confirmed on the record."


  1. "The Head of GCHQ resigned immediately after Trump was elected." again, confirmed: Hannigan resigned from GCHQ on Jan. 23, 2017. just 3 days after Trump inauguration


  1. related link to my "Bruce Ohr LEAKS" [Thread] of Sept 4:Thread35. Source: "Bruce Ohr named a lot of people." Ohr named: Christopher Steele, Stefan Halper, James Comey, Sally Yates, Loretta Lynch, Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, Bill Priestap. He didn't name Susan Riceโ€ฆ too dangerous? because it leads directly to the Obama White House.36. As we have seen, Bruce Ohr testimony confirmed everything written in the GCHQ Top Secret document, he confirmed the heavy GCHQ involvement in the Spy Operation against Trump:LETTER37. "On 28 August 2016, GCHQ filed for permission to execute Project FULSOME at the request of the US President" the request to GCHQ to SPY on Trump came directly from then 'President' Barack Hussein Obama


  1. From the 'Bruce Ohr LEAKS' [Thread]: "Because it will implicate Obama." "They all know but are dancing around that fact." as we suspectedโ€ฆ and the PROOF is in the GCHQ Top Secret document shown above39. Judge Napolitano, on March 14, 2017, said: "3 intel sources have informed Fox News that Obama went outside the Chain of Command, and used the GCHQ to spy on Trump" listen from 1'16" - Fox News Nail in the coffin.